Rankings (Added 04-Apr-99)

Rank Easy Normal Hard Extreme
1 Hound Doberman Fox Boss
Found by enemy 4 times or less. Killed 25 enemies or less. Use one ration or less. No continues. Finished game in three hours or less.
2 Pigeon Falcon Hawk Eagle
Finished game in three hours or less.
3 Piranha Shark Jaws Orca
Killed 250 enemies or more.
4 Pig Elephant Mammoth Whale
Used 130 rations or more.
5 Cat Deer Zebra Hippopotamus
Saved 80 times or more.
6 Koala Capibara Sloth Giant Panda
Finished game in 18 hours or more.
7 Chicken Mouse Rabbit Ostrich
Combinations regarding conditions of Ranks four, five, and six.
8 Puma Leopard Panther Jaguar
9 Komodo Dragon Iguana Alligator/Crocodile
10 Mongoose Hyena Jackal Tasmanian Devil
11 Spider Tarantula Centipede Scorpion
12 Flying Squirrel Bat Flying Fox Night Owl


Exercising Meryl (Added 01-Feb-99)
To see Meryl do exercises, when you go in to save the DARPA chief look in the first grated vent. She will do a different exercise each time you leave the shaft and come back. Continue and she will repeat them, with no pants on!
(Submitted by: Milamber)

Friendly Wolves in the Caves (Added 01-Feb-99)
Equip the hankerchief that Otacon gives you. Or when you meet up with Meryl, shoot her with the socom and then quickly equip the cardboard box, the little wolf will pee on you and then all the wolves will like you.
*Note* the wolves will only like you if the C. box is equiped.
(Submitted by: Andrew Kley)

Defeat Mantis (Added 08-Jan-99)
Use controller port 2 on Mantis to defeat.

Obtain Stealth Gear (Added 11-Dec-98)
Under easy difficulty press select to submit to the torture and finish the game. After being saved you will get the "stealth gear" by waiting for the credits to complete and saving the game. Load up the game you just saved and the "stealth gear" will be all yours.

Unlimited Ammo (Added 11-Dec-98)
Finish the game without giving in to the torture. After saving Meryl you will receive a bandana which will give you unlimited ammo.

Technical Demonstation Mode (Added 11-Dec-98)
Complete in order:
1) Training
2)Time Trial
3)Gun Shooting
Each of these will be made available in sequence until you get to the Technical Demonstration Mode.

Semi-nude Meryl (Added 11-Dec-98)
When Meryl goes into the women's bathroom, get to the last stall in five seconds or less. During an FMV sequence you will see her with no pants.

Konami Games (Added 11-Dec-98)
Play the game with a memory card that has any other Konami game saved on it. Then, Psycho Mantis will mention the game titles when he tries to read your mind.

Change Costumes
One really cool trick in the game Meatal Gear Solid is that if you beat the game twice consecutively (using the game looping) the characters' clothing will change the third time you play. One way to tell that you are doing this correctly is that the color that the game saves are written in will change from green the first time, to gold the second time, and red the third time on. When this trick comes into effect Solid snake will be wearing a tuxedo when he takes off his SCUBA gear, and the Ninja will be wearing black and red instead of grey and orange.