Unlimited Life (Added 15-Jan-99)
Press L1+R1+R2+Select when starting a level. Then, hold L1+R1 and press: U, D, L, R.

Hornet Nest Stingers (Added 15-Jan-99)
Press L1+R1+R2+Select when starting a level. Then, select stingers, and hold L1+L2+R1+Triangle+Left. A message will confirm correct entry.

Unlimited Weapons (Added 15-Jan-99)
Press L1+R1+R2+Select when starting a level. Then, hold L1+R1 and press: U, D, U, R2.

Powered-up Weapons (Added 15-Jan-99)
Press L1+R1+R2+Select when starting a level. Then, hold L1+R1+R2+X and press Down.

Password Cheats
Play As Big Daddy (Added 26-Dec-98) T,S,R2,X,T,R2
Unlimited Jumps (Added 17-Dec-98) O,S,R2,X,T,R2
Alien Saucer R1,S,X,S,L2,O
Play As Goliath T,L1,R1,X,L2,L2
Play As Nightshade R1,R2,L1,L1,X,O
Play As Helicopter L1,T,R2,T,T,R1
Double Pick-Ups L1,L2,O,L1,R1,S
Increased Armour R1,T,R1,T,L1,S
Unlimited Turbos S,X,O,T,R1,R2
Funtopia Level X,O,L2,X,S,L1
Gulch Level (Challenge Mode) X,S,O,L1,L2,S
Gulch Level S,S,T,R1,L1,O
Boss Battle 1 Note: Re-enter this password afterevery Challenge Battle. The first opponent will be a normal, random character. Your opponent will transform into Goliath after the battle. O,R2,R1,S,L1,R2
Boss Battle 2 O,O,L2,L1,T,T
Battle With Big Daddy S,T,O,O,R2,R2
Duke FMV Sequence S,S,O,O,T,T

Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding special move.
Move Code
Shield Hold Triangle and press: U, R, D, L
Stun Hold Triangle and press: R, L, U
Cash Suck Hold Triangle and press: L, R, U
Rear Fire Hold Triangle and press: R, L, D
Mine Hold Triangle and press: L, R, D
Jump Hold Triangle and press: L1+R1
Up on two wheels to the left Hold Triangle and press: U, D, L
Up on two wheels to the right Hold Triangle and press: U, D, R