DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR DDEASY VER 1.0 DDEASY makes the TriSoft game Depth Dwellers easier by modifiying the game's primary executable, dd.exe. At present, the Starting and "Fixup" Health and Ammo levels plus the score point increase for Transporting Slaves has been increased. (Refer to the discussion of game cheat keys for "Fixup" commanding.) This version of DDEASY works with Shareware Version 1.3 of Depth Dwellers and has not yet been tested with the Registered version of the game. ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DD.EXE FILE BEFORE RUNNING DDEASY!! ******************************************************************************* INSTALLATION Installation is easy. Just copy the DDEASY.EXE and DDEASY.DAT files into your Depth Dwellers hard drive area. Run DDEASY by typing "DDEASY". You will get a completion message when the program is done. For additional help info, type "DDEASY ?". Please note that the DDEASY.DAT file MUST be located in the same directory as the DDEASY.EXE file. If you would like to experiment with Depth Dwellers game data values, use a text editor to change the DDEASY.DAT file. BE CAREFUL! Look at or print the DDEASY.DAT file. Notice that each data group has a header line beginning with the "#" character which tells you the data parameter about to be altered. CHANGE ONLY THE DATA ON THE LINES BEGINNING WITH "newvalue = xxxx". Enter new decimal values in the xxxx position. For example, to edit in a value of 8000, the line would read as "newvalue = 8000". CHANGING ANY OTHER DDEASY.DAT LINES MAY CAUSE DDEASY.EXE TO FAIL OR YOUR DEPTH DWELLERS GAME MAY BECOME SEVERELY CORRUPTED! Keep backups of DDEASY files and your dd.exe file! ******************************************************************************* CHEAT KEYS The game documentation references the "Ctrl-Alt-I" keys as the switch for turning God mode on/off. The following list gives a few more cheat keys that I've discovered. KEY CODE FUNCTION Ctrl-Alt-L Increase your number of Lives. Ctrl-Alt-N End the current level and jump to the next. Ctrl-Alt-M Exit game with a memory/register usage dump. Ctrl-Alt-F Fixup your character with Weapons, Health, and Ammo. Alt Shows images of your saved games. ******************************************************************************* FINAL COMMENTS DDEASY was not written to allow one to cheat his/her way through Depth Dwellers. It is intended as a tool to allow your progression through the game in a shorter-than-normal time span while still giving you LOTS of enjoyment and fun with experimentation. Please use it with this attitude in mind. If you have any questions or comments concerning this program, or YOU WISH TO MAKE A DONATION of $5 (please make any checks payable to WAYNE SIKES), please contact me at: Wayne Sikes 435 Sego Lily Bosque Farms, NM 87068 CompuServe: 70733,1562 Internet: Phone: (505)-869-3522 (home) (505)-844-8658 (work) Feel free to distribute copies of these programs. The only thing I ask is that you DO NOT MODIFY this text file or the DDEASY routines prior to distribution. When distributing, PLEASE ALWAYS INCLUDE A COPY OF THIS TEXT FILE. If you include these programs in any retail or wholesale software packages, compilations, libraries, archives, etc. please contact me. As with all my analysis and engineering software, these programs are copywritten by K & W Computer Works. Thank you for using DDEASY and enjoy Depth Dwellers! ********************* END OF README.TXT FILE ***********************