Where can I get extra lives?

Hint 1 of 11:
You will find the clovers that provide extra lives as power-ups all over the
game.  Power-ups reappear whenever you leave and re-enter a screen, so once
you find a clover, if you need more lives, just leave and come back to get

Hint 2 of 11:
The number of extra lives that you can have at any one time is limited by the
number of clover-shaped boxes you have.

Hint 3 of 11:
You start the game with 2.  Read on for the other locations.

Hint 4 of 11:
3) On a small island near the oasis on Desert Island.  Ring the bell to get
the turtle to take you to it.

Hint 5 of 11:
4) On the island across from the Hacienda.  Ask Dino-Fly to take you there.

Hint 6 of 11:
5) In the Dome of the Slate.  You'll go there as one of the tests you need to
pass to become a wizard.

Hint 7 of 11:
6) In the sewers of Citadel Island.  You'll need a protopack to get to it.

Hint 8 of 11:
7) In the barracks on the Emerald Moon.

Hint 9 of 11:
8) In the Wannie mine.  It's on a small island of rock near a crane.
