Avian City

Hint: How do I operate the machine that O'Toole was using?

Nested hint: How can I climb the ramp leading to a group of doors?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: I see a ledge from a window, but I can't reach it.
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: What can I do with the structure that isn't attached to anything?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How can I get out of the avian's lair?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I get past the door with a window in it, on the first level?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: How do I operate the elevator on the first level?

Hint: The avians won't let me leave the great hall on the second level.

Hint: Is there any way to get across to the other side of the shaft?

Nested hint: How can I get to the podium in the lecture hall?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I get down the shaft in the lecture hall?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: How can I take the pendant in the middle of the myrmicat pools?