
Subject: About this UHS file

Text: How can I write a UHS file?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: A note to unregistered users...
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: General tips

Text: Magic
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: The Characters

Text: The Rogue
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: The Quests

Text: The Skeleton King
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Zhar the Mad
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: The Final Quests

Text: Diablo
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: The Spells

Text: Infravision
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Lightning
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Mana Shield
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Nova
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Phasing
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Repair
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Staff Recharge
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Stone Curse
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Telekinesis
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Teleport
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Town Portal
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Trap Disarm
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: The Shrines