How do I get Immediate Action to take my form?

Hint 1 of 12:
First of all, go to the Immediate Action booth on the Time Face, which you
can reach through the Nexus.

Hint 2 of 12:
You need to repair the clock before they can take your form.

Hint 3 of 12:
The clock is behind the Immediate Action booth.

Hint 4 of 12:
Pull the lever on the left of the clock, and the clock will start in motion.

Hint 5 of 12:
Whenever two of the symbols on the clock collide, the clock will stop.  You
can reset it by pressing the button on the right of the clock.

Hint 6 of 12:
Try turning the dials for the sun, moon, and earth.

Hint 7 of 12:
Notice that the sun and earth move when you turn the dials, and the moon
changes phase.

Hint 8 of 12:
The earth will not collide with a new ("empty") moon.  Use this to your

Hint 9 of 12:
So when the earth and moon collide, change the phase of the moon until it's

Hint 10 of 12:
Now, you can go on to the sun.

Hint 11 of 12:
You'll probably have to move both the earth and the sun to stop collisions
between the two.  This means you'll also need to "move" the moon again to

Hint 12 of 12:
You should be able to solve this puzzle with a bit of trial and error.  But
if you'd rather solve this puzzle directly, read ahead for the answer.