ENTOMBED MAZE MAP The GIF files Maze1, Maze2, Maze3, Maze4 and Maze5 contain the plans of the five levels in the Entombed Maze. Levels are numbered 1 to 5, the start and finish is on level 1, levels 2 and 3 are up from level 1, levels 4 and 5 are down from level 1. From top to bottom the levels are 3,2,1,4,5. Stairs are numbered sequentially with an alpha/numeric sequence (e.g. AE4). The stairs numbering alpha characters go from A to AF these represent the different stairs, the numeric value indicates the level the stairs lead to (i.e. 1 to 5). The stairs alpha numbering sequence, if you try to follow it goes backwards from the exit to the start and includes any side tracks that exist. The sequence is simply the way I plotted the maze. The location of the missing map pages is shown - there is one page on each level. A.M. Burns 100035,3703 Dec 94.