Orion ][ Hack ------------- This program is supplied freeware as my first distributed creation. Feel free to distribute at will, but please, only in the original zip file you recieved it in. Oh yes, I am not liable for any harm to you or your data which has arised use of this program, even if it's my fault. It has been said. Peter Spikings peter@spikings.powernet.co.uk Notes On Use ------------ I have tried to make it as easy to use as possible, but there are are few things to note. 1. There are two ways to specify a file. If you ran the program in the same directory, you can simply give a number when prompted, eg. 1 -> SAVE1.GAM. Alternatively, give the complete path. 2. The upper limit of credit (as dictated by the game) is 2147483647 (or 2^31-1). That should be plenty :) 3. When playing multiplayers, just save, quit out of the game, run, and reload the game :)