GTAed 1.00 (2/9/98) ========== First of all let me consider two things: * Please excuse my English. Although i took lessons at school, you know you can't learn as much as you would like, so please... EXCUSE ME if i misspell something or whatever. * This is my first relase of a trainer to the whole world. Although i made a bunch of stuff for many games this is the first attempt to distribute (of course FREELY) anything i've made. So please... EXCUSE ME (again) if you find any bug (might i call them "features"? ;) ). Now here comes the usual... DISCLAIMER ---------- The author of this trainer (that means ME) takes no responsability about any crash, loss of data, or whatever nasty thing this trnr might do to your PC. Even though i've tested it several times (in fact i use it every time i play GTA) and never had any problem (unless some unusual crashes. To be honest i have to say that my computer is a mess, you know... pure silice entropy, Thanx Micro$oft, so an unexpected crash wouldn't be so strange). Shall i continue?? you've had already read this crap thousand times... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... WHY THIS TRAINER? ----------------- First time i played GTA i was amazed about those blasting cars, about the fun of killing cops, stealing cars, driving those TANKS... so i messed around a lot and played a lot with my friends but it really screwed me up when i had to type those cheats again and again (now i know the only useful cheat is PORKCHARSUI) I've tested some trainers but none had all the things that i wanted together, so i cheat a little with a few programs and finally came across this trainer. Here you'll find not only the usual stuff (i mean weapons, lives, etc), but something really useful as the POLICE BRIBE is and something that makes playing a real fun and i've never seen it in a trainer... the BAD BOY MODE. WHAT IS THIS TRAINER FOR? ------------------------- As you will know this trainer is for the Grand Theft Auto (if you're so patient to read this i'm sure you've already know that). But this only works in the Window$ version of the game (that means GTAWIN ;) ) To use it just make sure GTAWIN is running and run GTAed (easy, uh?) GTAed gives you full ammo for the gun, machine gun, flamethrower and rocket launcher. It also gives you full armor, a x25 multiplier (that should be enough), 9 lives, police bribe and the BAD BOY MODE. There are two types of items in GTAed: items that change their value (when the trainer says "OPERATION DONE") and items that freezes their values in memory (when appears a # in the button. # means freezed, click again to unfreeze). I've tried to make as many items that "changed their value" type as i could just for the reason that if you freeze too many items, it may slow the game so much (especially in slower machines) until making it unplayable. I would recommend to freeze the number of lives and the weapon(s) that you use most, and assign a key for the other items (especially the police bribe as it is something often used). The multiplier doesn't change its value even if you get killed, so i didn't consider making it "freezeable" (is it spelled right?). Likewise i didn't made the "armor & jail key" freezeable just because what do you want a key for if you have unlimited ammo. The POLICE BRIBE isn't freezeable because it slows the game a lot, so bind it to a easily reachable key as would be F1. I'm sure you'll use it a lot... And here comes the funniest thing.... THE BAD BOY MODE: In the game, as you do felonies, you get kind of "bad points". More "bad points" means more cops behind your butt, what means more cop faces in the top of the screen. Cop faces are limited by four, but that doesn't mean you won't get more "bad points". What BAD BOY MODE does is to set these points to the maximum so you will have the hole police department chasing you. What is fun in this??? If you don't enjoy killing cops and stealing their cars while they chase you all over the city i'm afraid you're not a real GTA guy/gal (this is as fun as getting a GOURANGA bonus). Furthermore if you claim to be a super-driver try this mode and see how long you keep alive or not busted. It also helps to improve your skill in multiplayer mode. GREETINGS --------- BMG & PDM - Simple... no GTA, no GTAed Olivier Pasqualini - For his MAGIC TRAINER CREATOR ( Luisma - Nothing special... just a friend ( The DLH crew - For their Dirty Little Helper ( Arancha - Love u honey ABOUT ME :) -------- I'm quite tired of writing all this readme that probably nobody will read, so i'm not going to tell you the story of my life. Just let me mention that if you use this editor and you like it (a lot ;) ), it would be nice if you emailed me just to know this trainer and this LONG readme was worth something. Please report any bug, comment, insult (better not) or whatever at: ISA94022@ALUMNOS.UPCO.ES P.S. Wonder why a cow icon??? Simple: I LOVE COWS!!!! P.S. (2) Anyone has info about the timer in FRENZY KILL (especially in tanks) ________________________________________________________________________ *** *** *** *** *** ***** **** **** *** *** *** ******* ****** ****** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *********** *** *** *** *** *** *********** *** *** ************ ************ *** *** *** *** ************ ************ *** *** Mula es una especie protegida........ :~i (1998)