Rookie Jim Begins

Nested hint: Where is the key for the cabinet?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: What else is important in my office?

Nested hint: What should I do with the Bag of Runes?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How can I call Strauss?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: When will Strauss return my call?

Hint: How can Helen help me?

Nested hint: How do I assemble the Stained Glass Window?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: Where is Louie?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Hint: When can I travel to the Mission?

Hint: Where did Ernie hide the photograph?

Nested hint: How can I get Louie to cooperate?
(sorry, cannot decode section)