CARAX'95 TRAINER +1 -------------------- Who claims holidays aren't used for creative work ?!? This is my third trainer within two weeks ! :) I don't think everybody knows CARAX, so I'm going to explain it a little bit... CARAX is a "Space Invaders"-like game written by 'Bio_100%'. The last release was in 1998 and that should be version 0.90. That's important, because this trainer has only been tested with v0.90 ! Uhh yeah ..... best of all: The game is freeware and can be downloaded with no charge from: --> official --> best freeware collection website on the net ! (german). The trainer included in the package will freeze the timer when activated which means you'll become invincible ! How 2 use: o Start the trainer and click on the 'Timer'-button to freeze the time (energy). o Start a new game and enjoy ! :) Bugs: o none Problems: o o currently offline: The SpaceWeb Legal: o I am not responsible for anything the trainer does what it shouldn't do !! o PLEASE do NOT upload your cheated highscores to the server !! It is not fair to replace a highscore which has not been cheated with a cheated score. Think of the fair players. Thank you... 'The world is a beautiful book, for those who can read it.' Carpe diem, sPAcE mARiNe :)