I can no longer travel the walkway; security sees me and kills me.

Hint 1 of 33:
You will reach a point in the game where you are a fugitive from security. 
You are no longer free to walk all of the open corridors.  There is a "shoot
to kill" order out on you.

Hint 2 of 33:
This is most prevalent when trying to walk around the Administration level. 
You'll need to find other means of navigating around the various locations on
the Administration level.

Hint 3 of 33:
There are other means of travel available to you in this open area.

Hint 4 of 33:
Think McGyver; think James Bond; think...  Tarzan.

Hint 5 of 33:
Look out into the center of Level 2 (the Administration level).  What do you

Hint 6 of 33:
There is a power station of some kind suspended in the middle of this
gigantic area.

Hint 7 of 33:
The power station is suspended from cables.  The cables are anchored in the
rock at various points around the outside of the Administration level.

Hint 8 of 33:
One of those cables anchors right above the oxygen generator at the end of
the Administration walkway.

Hint 9 of 33:
To the left of the oxygen generator, there is a ladder.  Climb the ladder and
look out over the center area, and you'll see one of the anchor cables
immediately overhead.

Hint 10 of 33:
Now, if you could only make your way out across that cable to the power

Hint 11 of 33:
You can't crawl out.  You need something more dramatic.

Hint 12 of 33:
You'll need to "slide" out the cable.

Hint 13 of 33:
If only you could find some way to suspend yourself from the cable, and
propel yourself along.

Hint 14 of 33:
Do you have anything you could hang from?

Hint 15 of 33:
A mag belt would work nicely.

Hint 16 of 33:
If you had only picked up the mag belt that was lying around in the Ore
Processing Center!

Hint 17 of 33:
Throw the mag belt over the cable; you'll be "hanging" from it.

Hint 18 of 33:
Now to propel yourself along...  McGyver would be able to make a jet engine
out of a... well, an air gun.

Hint 19 of 33:
Unfortunately, the air gun you took from the passed-out miner in the bar
didn't have an air cartridge on it.

Hint 20 of 33:
If you've visited Jacob Wright's claim on Mining Level C, you should have
found a compressed air cylinder.

Hint 21 of 33:
Apply the cylinder to the air gun to get a working model.

Hint 22 of 33:
Turn toward the wall (i.e., away from the center of the pit), and use your
air gun.  You'll be propelled backwards, all the way to the center power

Hint 23 of 33:
Now you're stuck out in the middle, with little room to maneuver.

Hint 24 of 33:
Slowly inch your way to the right.  At each stop, look across to the other
end of the new cable to see if you can see anything.

Hint 25 of 33:
On any of the cables, you can again use your mag belt to hang from the cable,
turn towards the power station, and use your air gun to propel you back to a
new spot on the outer wall.

Hint 26 of 33:
Most of the cables terminate in a solid rock face.

Hint 27 of 33:
One of the cables terminates directly above a vent.

Hint 28 of 33:
If you could open the vent, you might be able to crawl in.

Hint 29 of 33:
A sign by the oxygen generators said that "Vent Keys are magnetic".

Hint 30 of 33:
All vents can be opened with a magnetic key.

Hint 31 of 33:
Do you have any magnets around?
