Fighting enemy vehicles

Hint 1 of 5:
These cars can sometimes be annoying, especially early on. Here's a tip for
early missions: if you see a flying APC and it isn't coming towards you, but
looks like it is patrolling, then you are in luck. Usually, these guys will
patrol around a set area and you can fire long range rifles at them a few
times before they wake up. I have sometimes killed APC's before they ever
strayed from their patrol route to fire at me.

Hint 2 of 5:
As soon as you see a flying APC, yank out the LR-Rifles and pump up the drugs
to the red. Fire the first volley of shots at it. If the APC doesn't charge
at you, wait for it to come around again, and fire another volley of LR's.
When the vehicle wakes up and does charge toward you, whip out the miniguns
and continuously fire at it unil the LR's are reloaded. Fire another volley
of LR's. Then switch back to miniguns.
