USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D

Nested hint: I can't kill these viruses.
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I use the turbolift?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: On the second deck, how do I get past the misty bits?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: In the room with the downward stairs, how can I get past the viruses?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I get past Sorans forcefield?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How can I stop Soran from launching that torpedo?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: Soran won't believe me when I tell him his plan won't work.
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Nested hint: How do I leave the ship?
(sorry, cannot decode section)