How do I disarm the torpedos?

Hint 1 of 8:
You can't. But you can redirect them.

Hint 2 of 8:
Find the controller.

Hint 3 of 8:
Press the "power on" button. That's the long green one at the top.

Hint 4 of 8:
Press the "viewer on" button. That's the rectangle at the top-left corner.

Hint 5 of 8:
Press the "computer targeting on" button. That's the rectangle at the
top-right corner.

Hint 6 of 8:
Press "change target" until you get deep space. That's the square on the

Hint 7 of 8:
Press "open torpedo launcher door" -- the left green button.

Hint 8 of 8:
Press "load torpedo" -- the right green button.