³ The options are the following: ³ ³ ³ ³ 1. MAX. EXPERIENCE & LIFE POINTS/INVULNERABILITY for all 4 characters ³ ³ (adventurer - archer - warrior - magician) * ³ ³ 2. MAX. EXPERIENCE & LIFE POINTS/INVULNERABILITY for all 4 characters ³ ³ (adventurer - archer - warrior - sorceress) ³ ³ 3. ALL WEAPONS/MAX AMMOS for the ADVENTURER (1st Character) ** ³ ³ 4. ALL WEAPONS/MAX AMMOS for the ARCHER (2nd Character) ³ ³ 5. ALL WEAPONS/MAX AMMOS for the WARRIOR (3rd Character) ³ ³ 6. ALL WEAPONS&SPELLS/MAX AMMOS for the MAGICIAN/SORCERESS (4th Character) ³ ³ 7. MAX POTIONS (Rapid Attack, Travel Speed, Power Potion), LIFE VIAL & ³ ³ GOLD COINS (99 of each) *** ³ ³ ³ ³ * : Use option 1 if u have a magician in your party; option 2 if u have ³ ³ a sorceress. Both options have been frozen, so you only need to ³ ³ activate them once. ³ ³ ** : Options 3 to 6 will give you all the best weapons/armors/spells for ³ ³ all characters + 999 ammos for each weapons. ³ ³ *** : Option 7 will had a bunch of potions, vials & gold coins to the ³ ³ inventory of the 4th character. Be sure that the magician/sorceress ³ ³ has no valuable items before using this option, or you will lose them.³ ³ (the best thing to do is to give the items to another character of ³ ³ the party or simply putting them on the floor before using this ³ ³ option...) ³