One of the elevators is broken!

Hint 1 of 12:
Right -- the elevator won't come to you when you call it.

Hint 2 of 12:
But if you find where the elevator is, you might be able to get inside.

Hint 3 of 12:
Look around the ship, and you should be able to find some indication of where
the elevator is currently sitting.

Hint 4 of 12:
Have you watched any TV recently?

Hint 5 of 12:
Try watching channel 5 on any of the TV's.

Hint 6 of 12:
It looks like that channel is broadcasting a view from inside an elevator.

Hint 7 of 12:
And you can read the elevator's current position on the TV.

Hint 8 of 12:
The glowing indicator lines on the elevators also show the positions of both
the elevator you're facing and the adjacent one.  You can also use these to
find the broken elevator.
