I heard there was something fishy going on in First Class.

Hint 1 of 22:
Yes, there is.

Hint 2 of 22:
It's so fishy, it might even make the evening news.

Hint 3 of 22:
Try turning on one of the TV's on board and flip through the channels.

Hint 4 of 22:
Channel 4 is showing a room chevron.  Why don't you try to figure out where
that room is located?

Hint 5 of 22:
You'll need to manually edit the chevron displaying in your PET by holding
SHIFT and clicking on the pieces of the chevron until it matches what you see
on the screen.

Hint 6 of 22:
And in case you didn't notice, the chevron is displayed upside-down on the TV

Hint 7 of 22:
When I played the game, the chevron corresponded to Floor 7, Elevator 2, Room
3 of First Class.  This may or may not be the case when you play the game, so
check the chevron yourself just to be sure.

Hint 8 of 22:
Do you remember what you saw on channel 4 in addition to the room code?

Hint 9 of 22:
There appeared to be a light nearby.  Maybe that will help you find
whatever's important in this room.

Hint 10 of 22:
Did you notice that you have control over the lights in this room?  Use your
PET to turn the lights on and off, and to turn on certain groups of lights.

Hint 11 of 22:
There are four lights on the staircase.  If you use any of the arrows on the
light controls, you'll turn on exactly two lights.  For example, the up arrow
turns on the lights at the top of the staircase.

Hint 12 of 22:
Maybe you could check the TV again to see if the light shown in the picture
is still on.

Hint 13 of 22:
And keep trying this with all the possible light settings.

Hint 14 of 22:
Notice how the channel is dead sometimes?

Hint 15 of 22:
Maybe its signal depends on one of the lamps having power.

Hint 16 of 22:
You can figure out which lamp that is by trying the possible combinations of
pairs, or through trial and error.
