How do I log on to the computer?

Hint 1 of 16:
The computer probably belongs to the creators of Starship Titanic.

Hint 2 of 16:
Have you been in the Creators' Chamber?

Hint 3 of 16:
Pay close attention to the heads floating around the room.

Hint 4 of 16:
Each bust has a name written along its base -- click on it to read the name.

Hint 5 of 16:
And make sure to remember where the heads are located.

Hint 6 of 16:
The heads are in the way of what you really need to know.

Hint 7 of 16:
Maybe you could find some controls to help you here.

Hint 8 of 16:
Try pulling the lever just to the right of the entrance to the room.

Hint 9 of 16:
If the lever doesn't do anything, then you will need to look elsewhere on the
ship to enable the controls.

Hint 10 of 16:
Have you checked the fuse box?  It's in the same room as the computer, behind
a bunch of warning signs that you can ignore.

Hint 11 of 16:
The red fuse controls the device in the Creators' Room.  Make sure the fuse
is in the slot of the same color and that the dial next to the slot is
pointing to the right.
