Thanx for downloading the UFO Defense Maps! By Brian Aiken and Sean and Ryan Staymates E-Mail Me at Requests for maps will be considered. I haven't yet bought Apocalypse yet, but I will make maps for that, if they even use maps. :) Ohyeah. If you have any files on C programming or any spiffy X-Com cheats, send 'em to me- I'm starting a database. These maps were compiled for all those tacticians in the X-COM Commanders guild. These maps are useful for any form of tactical assaults on the UFO's in the game. Please Print these maps using Paintbrush in Windows. If you like the quality of these maps please send $5.00 to 1211 North Mark Lane Anaheim, CA 92807 No cheques, please Blaster Bombs. The heaviest weapon in the entire game can also the hardest to control. The map's grid can be counted with the cursor and placed from your ship! They are then guided into strategic places to nuke them bastards! Strategic assalts with soldiers. Certain parts of the ships can be "disclocated" and then have troops A Map series will be made for X-Com II: Terror from the Deep (hopefully) by Jan. or Feb. 1998