I've made it across the moat. Now what?

Hint 1 of 14:
So, you're at the other side of the moat?

Hint 2 of 14:
Well, go closer to the wall.

Hint 3 of 14:
Ah, a new screen.

Hint 4 of 14:
What now?  Well what do you normally do in this game when faced
with a wall?

Hint 5 of 14:
That's right!  Climb it!

Hint 6 of 14:
Watch out for the light grey rocks.

Hint 7 of 14:
You can't hold on to them, and you will fall.

Hint 8 of 14:
When you near the top, the guards will usually stop throwing rocks.

Hint 9 of 14:
Aaarrrggghhhh!!  Another screen!  That's right, same as before, but
steer for the window.
