I can't seem to get close to the mountain.

Hint 1 of 11:
This one is tough.

Hint 2 of 11:
Basically, it is a maze that you can't see.

Hint 3 of 11:
Go behind the boulder at the bottom right of the screen.

Hint 4 of 11:
Go to the right edge of the screen.

Hint 5 of 11:
Taran will be completely hidden by a rock and directly under a "V" shape
formed by the rocks directly north. 

Hint 6 of 11:
Go north until Taran stops.

Hint 7 of 11:
Then go west until Taran is directly beneath another "V" in the rocks to his

Hint 8 of 11:
Once again, go north until Taran stops.

Hint 9 of 11:
Now go west until Taran stops again.

Hint 10 of 11:
Go north until Taran stops, and you should be directly in front of an
outcropping of rocks.
