Tex Murphy Overseer Game Ending 1.Put the BGW.plr in the players folder in the Overseer folder. 2.Put the Bgw.075 in the players folder in the Overseer folder. Do to problems you will have to do a couple of things to get to the game ending!! Don't worry I will tell you what to do!! 1.Load the Game 2.Put Gideon's hair in the DNA scanner 3.To bet the puzzle do the following A-QUEEN B-DRAW C-CASTLE D-GAMBIT E-BISHOP F-RESIGN G-CHECKMATE H-KNIGHT or just type in 911 ( you must have the hint system on!! ) 4.Heres the sequence to beat Gideon at Chess: Rd1 Rxe7 Qxd7 Bf5 Bd7 Bxe7 or just type in 911 ( you must have the hint system on!! 5.Then see the long movie I would get some popcorn!! Now you know there will be another Tex Murphy coming soon to add to the set!! Email if any problems harborview@olynet.com From B G W!! http://www.olynet.com/users/harborview/bgw.html