Entombed Game Ending Do to problems you will have to do one thing to get to the game ending!! Don't worry I will tell you what to do!! 1.Load the Game 2.This is the hard part!! To open the portal to see the game ending do this... You have 4 prisms in front of you and one big one with a color on the top of the 4 prisms!! The Chart looks like this Big Prism Top left prism Top right prism Bottom left prism Bottom right prism If the top Prism is: Green = click the top left prism then the top right prism!! Magenta = click the top right prism then the bottom left prism!! Black = click the bottom left prism then the top left prism then the top right prism!! Red = click the bottom left prism then bottom right prism!! Dark Blue = click the bottom left prism then the top left prism!! Light Blue = click the top right prism then the bottom right prism!! Yellow = click the top left prism then the bottom right prism!! White = click the top left prism then the top right prism then the bottom right prism!! Thats It!! If you mess up just restart the game!! Email if any problems harborview@olynet.com From B G W!! http://www.olynet.com/users/harborview/bgw.html