Championships Manager(tm) 2 Enhanced Save Game Editor Gold Version 2.0 beta (February 1998) Copyright (c) 1997-98 Teguh Iman Season 97/98 Version BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. End User Software License Agreement -------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is protected by International copyright laws. This software and documentation is licensed to you by the Author. You may copy it onto a computer for your own personal use and you may make back up copies of the software to protect your software against loss. This software may be used by more than one person, and may be freely moved from one computer location to another. The software can legally be used by two different people in different places at the same time. You may not modify, rent, lease, or distribute the software for commercial purposes. You may electronically transmit the software from one computer to another or over a network, as long as no modification on both the software and documentation. Copyright Notice -------------------------------------------------------------------- This software distributed under the freeware concepts. It mean you are freely to use for your own purpose and redistributing this software without paying to the author. You are legal to keep using the software as long as this software and the documentation are not modified then distributed as your own. This software has no warranty offers, this mean you are taking full responsibility for use and misuse of this software. If the usage of this software turn erroneously, the author will not supply the user with a fix. You'll take all risks! Trademarks -------------------------------------------------------------------- Championships Manager and Championships Manager 2 are trademarks of Eidos Interactive, Inc. Notes about this Version -------------------------------------------------------------------- The editor may still contain unpredictable errors and minor bugs. Fixes will be taken soon or later, and next bugs-free version will be released. I you found bugs on the editor, please feel free to cantact the author as soon as possible. Refer to the last part of this document about how to cantacting author. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------- This editor may very useful to edit Championships Manager 2 save game files (NOT original DB1 data files). Many features offered including (almost) complete editing into save game player and team data files. Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- This editor works fine if these following requirements applied: 1. Microsoft Windows 95/NT. The editor cannot running under DOS operating system. 2. Mouse. You cannot editing most of data items without a mouse. 3. Soccer spirit, if any. :-) What's New In This Version -------------------------------------------------------------------- A. All New 1. Flat-style user-interface. It's cool, isn't it? :-) 2. Color setting removed from setup page. 3. New editor setting in setup page, with these options: - Confirm unsaved player data. - Confirm unsaved team data. - Remember last edited player. - Remember last edited team. 4. New recruitment option was added in setup page: - Confirm recruitment. 5. New logo. :-) B. Improvements and changes 1. Player physical condition no longer limited to 70%-100% 2. Marking skill was removed. 3. Intelligence skill now changes as Adaptability C. Known Bugs 1. When editor trying to open save game files from CME 8MB version, an error "163: file not open" may occur. I don't know where the problem is, but I'll fix this soon. This error also occur when open save game files from previous CM2 version. Solution: Use the editor with save game file(s) generated by CME 16MB version only (season 97/98). 2. Like beta version application, this editor may contains soooo many bugs. It also not tested yet in long intensive period of time, so be patient... Installation and Uninstallation -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Editor does not require complicated installation progress to runs under your system. Just extract the compressed files that contains both the executable and this document files. Place these files to any directory that you want. There are several ways to runs the Editor from Windows 95/NT environment: 1. Click on START menu, select RUN. Enter the complete path and executable filename of the Editor within the drop down list, or simply click BROUSE button. 2. Click the START menu using right mouse button, select OPEN. Select the PROGRAMS folder, then select already contained folders that you want to place the Editor's shortcut, or just create for your own. Use the menu or right click to create shortcut within the active folder. Specify the complete path and executable filename as a shortcut. Now you can runs the Editor from the START menu, under PROGRAMS submenu. 3. Use right mouse button to click anywhere on Windows desktop. Choose CREATE SHORTCUT menu, then enter the complete path and executable filename of the Editor, or simply use BROWSE button. Enter a title name for the shortcut, then choose OK. Now you can runs the Editor by double-clicking to the Editor's shortcut on the Windows desktop. Uninstall the Editor also very easy. Follow these steps to clean- up the uninstallation progress: 1. Delete the executable and the document. If required, you can also delete the directory. 2. If any, delete shortcut that belongs to the Editor. This is optional, but ensure everything's goes clear. 3. This step also optional. Run REGEDIT.EXE that reside in Windows directory. Choose HKEY_CURRENT_USER, then SOFTWARE, then CM2SAVEGAMEEDITOR. Delete the CM2SAVEGAMEEDITOR key through REGEDIT menu or by right clicking then choose DELETE. First Time -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you running the editor for the first time, click Setup button to setting the editor. Specify a valid CM2 path on the edit box within setup window. There is also optionally to customize Name Format selection, Editor Setting, and Player Recruitment options. Note: Even a path you specify is CM2 valid path, the editor may refuse to receipt as valid path if you never save at least one game. The Player Recruitment is a new feature on this version. Refer to Players Recruitment chapter for details. To keep the setup changes, click on Save button. You will be warned if the CM2 path that you specify is invalid. When everything goes well, or Cancel button is selected, you will be return to opening screen. Then, you can continue by clicking Load button to open save game files for editing. Navigating -------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep poking around! Some control box can be used to change the current setting, especially on boxes that contain value. Try to move your mouse pointer to any box, if mouse pointer change into arrow with "plus" or "minus" symbol, you can change any value contained on it. Simply try to click right mouse button on any control boxes to show their own popup menu. You can modify value using this popup menu. Instead using popup menu, value within edited boxes can also be modified by clicking inside the box. Click on right half part of the box will increasing value, or decreasing otherwise. These short-key combinations applied on most edited boxes: - Left Click = increase/decrease by 1. - Ctrl+Left Click = increase/decrease by 10. - Shift+Left Click = increase/decrease by 100. - Ctrl+Shift+Left Click = increase/decrease by 1000. - Ctrl+Alt+Left Click = reset to original value. - Alt+Double Click = edit a new value. - Right Click = Show popup menu. Search Engine -------------------------------------------------------------------- You can perform player and team searching by clicking Search button with magnify icon located on both Player or Team editing session. Search window divide into two parts, one for searching player name and the other for team/city name. To searching player, just click Search button within Player Search group box. To searching team, click Search button within Team Search group box. When a dialog box appear, enter text you would specified then press Enter key. You can also specify multiple search categories by entering any different search text that separated by commas. for example: Ronald, aLEss, BRYAN, mc On the above example, the search engine would be searching any player names that containing "ronald", "aless", "bryan", and "mc" text. Up to 8 categories can specified. Search text is NOT case sensitive; Ronald, RONALD, and RoNaLd are identical. The editor will automatically remove leading and trailing spaces for each text categories. Notes: 1. For searching player, you can specify full name, first name, last name, or partial name of those combinations. Program will searching name using "first last" format of player name. When you searching a partial part of player full name, you should follow the above rules. For examples, searching partial part of "alan shearer" can be "alan", "shearer", "an she", "alan she", etc. But cannot for "shearer alan", "rer alan", "shearer al", etc. 2. For searching team, you can specify search text from the team name (full or partial), team city name (full or partial), or combinations of both. These examples will produce the same results: "Juve", "Turin", "Juve Turin", "Turin Juventus", etc. But cannot for "Juve Tur", "Turi Juv", etc. Player Position -------------------------------------------------------------------- You may select any combination of player position. There is seven possible positions; goalkeeper, sweeper, defence, anchor, midfield, support, and attack. Also three side positions; left, right, and center. Some combinations may valid or not, depend to the position that you choose. For example, the goalkeeper cannot combined with any other positions, and has no side position. Striker also only has one side position as center, Etc. The editor will automatically perform self-checking for any combinations of position you made, then returning right combination. Note: If you have problem to change from goalkeeper position to another position, try to deselect the goalkeeper first. The editor will set the position to striker, then you can combined with another positions. Players Recruitment -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Player Recruitment is a new feature on this version. There is three options availables for Player Recruitment setup settings: 1. Confirm Recruitment. This option is useful to avoid accident player recruitment. If this option is checked, you will always be prompted before recruit any players. 2. Update Player Career Record Database. If you would like the player career record should be updated when recruiting a player, turn-on this check box control. 3. Update Manager Career Record Database. If you would like the manager career record should be updated when recruiting a player, turn-on this check box control. Note, by default this option is turn-off because updating manager career database may take times since the editor must be loading a CM2 dictionary database file. This option will update both source and destination team's manager career, but will not recorded onto current season's transfer database. Updating manager career also ignored if either source or destination team's manager is unknown or no manager. 4. Warn if a player is under negotiation. By turn-on this check box control, a warning message will be appear if you trying to recruit a player that currently in bid. It's recommended to turn-on this option and then never to try recruit players that currently in bid to avoid any lost of players that has been recruiting. Player Recruitment is a great tool to 'steal' a player from one club to another, without transfer negotiation and absolutely free. You can use this feature to force a player to join with your team's squad, especially when you have problem if this player always refuse to move to your club. To recruit players that you want, first you must listed them into your shortlist in CM2. This shortlist then can be viewed from the Editor, by activating team mode and jump to SQUAD page. To make recruitment, first be sure your team's squad are less than 30 players. Then select a player from the shortlist. To begin recruitment, click to button with left arrow symbol where located in the middle between squadlist and shortlist listbox controls. The recruitment button may disable if your total team's squad is already 30 players, or no players on the shortlist. Commont Questions and Answers -------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How to change a player name into a name that I want? A: You should not changing the players name. CM2 using special methods to store names into a dictionary file. Even changing name is possible, but this task may take lots of time to rebuild save game data and names dictionary. Q: How about to change a team name? A: Team name also stored just like player name, and taking same method on save game files. The answer is, No. Q: Can I change the player's nationality? A: By theory, the answer is Yes. But the Editor does not provide such task, because nations data is stored together with clubs data. Wrong handling may causing a player's nationality goes to club name, not a nation name. Another reason is, changing the player's nationality is useless (IMHO). Q: Why I cannot combined player position as free as I want? A: CM2 has own rule to combine player position, and cannot mixed freely. For example, goalkeeper with striker position is strange combination, and unusual position. Q: I try to set player birthdate to 1950 (minimum), and for season 2020/21 it's player age is 70 years old! Is this a bug? A: No. Maybe you want to 'create' a very ooooold player with great skills, and for every end season, the player reward an Old Talent Player of the Year Award... Just kidding. :-) Q: I still confuse to understand player skills value. Any idea? A: Setting skills values are simple, as describe here: 1. Minimum value is 0 (zero) and maximum value is 20 (twenty). 2. Except for Injury Proneness and Dirtyness, zero mean lowest skills, and twenty for highest. 3. For Injury Proneness and Dirtyness, zero mean best and twenty is worst. 4. For goalkeeper, these skills are useless; Creativity, Dribbling, Flair, Off the Ball, and Shooting. 5. For Attacker type, Shooting also affect to their value, so higher the Shooting skill value, higher their price. 6. Pace, Stamina, and Strength also affect to player age. For age below 18 or above 28, the values cannot maximum. This limit only affect within CM2. Q: What is 'Happyness Level'? A: Happyness Level is percentage of player happyness. This value affect on Player Transfer's Future on CM2, also Player Value if using Automatic Estimated Value. Q: Why I cannot edit finance of this season and last season? A: For what? Finance of this month doesn't enough for you? Q: Is there a way to insert players into shortlist? A: Yes, use through your CM2. Tips and Tricks -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. TIPS a. If you have problems to arrange squad playing list, you can change all your squad players position so they have ability to place as left, right, and center position. Also a good idea to combined their position so they can place anywhere on the pitch. Here a good combination (IMHO) for defence and midfield position: - defence : sweeper+defender+left+right+center - midfield : midfield+forward+attacker+left+right+center b. For the best performance, you can set player age between 22 to 28 years old. c. To have a better players capability, set these skills to a value between 18 to 20: - Aggression - Intelligence - Stamina - Ability - Pace - Strength - Big Occasion - Passing - Technique - Consistency - Positioning - Heading - Shooting d. You may change player contract so they will play for your team forever. Set contract's year to 2030 or higher. If your finances are soo critical, you can set their wages to a lower price, such as 2500 or less. You can also remove all their bonuses. e. To avoid your players wanted by other club, set their availability status to unavailable. Set their value to automatic. f. To get higher chances to win upcoming match, set your squad condition to maximum (morale, physical, form). If necessary, you can recover injured player so they can participate on the next match. g. If your player has suspended to next match, reset all bans to ensure they still can play. h. Ensure your players always happy on the club by maximize their happyness level. This is will avoid them to transfer- listed request or poor performance while placing them to playing list. i. Increase only player skills will not affect immediately, unless you also increase their ability, potential, and reputation level. Ability level will affect on their match performance. Potential level will affect to their ability on next seasons. Reputation level will affect on their overall ratings during a match. j. By increasing stadium and seating capacity, will ensure your finances condition always good. k. Increase your current balance when getting low, so you will earn a good message from the director. This is also avoid you being sacked from current club. 2. TRICKS This is only an editor, not a tricky cheat engine. :-) Last Words -------------------------------------------------------------------- Be a real gamer! Real gamers don't use cheats nor editor, isn't it? :-) Anyway, thanks for trying this *nice* program. Also sorry about misspell or bad grammars on this docs. Contacting Author -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have comments, suggestions, or find bugs, please let me know. Feel free to contact me at: Thanks for using CM2 Save Game Editor Gold for Windows 95. I hope you enjoy as I enjoy to make it. [eof]