------------------------------------------------------------- CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER 2 ENHANCED 97/98 DATA EDITOR for Windows 95 Version 2.00 (18 December 1997) ------------------------------------------------------------- <> This program is FREEWARE! You could distribute it as you wish, as long as you do it on non-profit basis. <> Use this program at your OWN RISK. The Author DOES NOT have any responsibility in any mis-use of this program. <> You can find the complete informations about ratings on EDITHELP.TXT file which came with the game itself. <> This program is still in development. Please tell me if you have any ideas, comments, suggestions, or bugs report at e-mail : wasono@melsa.net.id <> You can find the latest release at : http://www.melsa.net.id/~wasono <> IMPORTANT NOTE !!! for PLAYER HISTORY EDITOR : - If you want to add a new player history (in PLHIST98.BIN), there should NOT be two or more players (in PLAYERS.DB1) have the SAME name (eg. RONALDO-Inter and RONALDO-Benfica), because if that happen, the game will not use your new player history. <> Bug Fixed/Addition since version 1.00 : * Version 1.00 : - Players, Managers, and Teams Pre-Game Data are now easy to edit, despite of the in-game editor :) - So Far So Good. I finished this editor for 4 hours.. * Version 2.00 : - NEW! Player History Editor. (for PLHIST98.BIN) - Improved User Interface. ------------------------------------------------------------- + CM2 Enhanced 97/98 is a registered trademark of EIDOS. + CM2E Data Editor for Windows 95 is written by Tri Wasono.