------------------------------------------------ --------READ-CASH.TXT-TO-MAKE-100.000$---------- ------------------------------------------------ ================================================ = The UNofficial CarEditor v0.4 = = for The Need for Speed 2 (NFS2 SE) = = = = Written by Mike 'Thommson' = = = = ©1997 Mike 'Thommson' = = E-Mail: nfs2editor@hotmail.com = = = = http://members.tripod.com/~nfs2editor/ = ================================================ [25. December 1997] - After one month break comes out a new version of CarEditor v0.4 with cool features: - TextureEditor - Afine TextureMapping - Vertices Deselection - NFS2 SE support - and much more [16. November 1997] - TrackEditor v2.1 [06. November 1997] - TrackEditor v2.0 [12. October 1997] - Model Viewer2 for NFS2 is out - TextureMapping (buggy yet) [3. October 1997] - New 0.3b (MFC) Version of CarEditor for NeedForSpeed2 - Fully written in MFC - Easier and Better control [17. September 1997] - Track Editor JOKE Version is out - The same 3D/Editor Engine as TRUE 3D CarEditor [6. September 1997] - The sequel for Car Viewer+Editor is out, TRUE CarEditor - New Surface - 3D CarEditor (4 ViewWindows) - Import&Export of GEO files (to 3D_ASCII) [30. August 1997] - Bugs removed (100% tested) - Better README file [24. August 1997] - The Second Verison is out - New Surface (higher Resolution, higher Speed) - Shows the full CarModel at once - Solid Rendering - Beautifull buttons - Import of ASC files - Export of GEO files [13. August 1997] - The First Version is out