-------------------------------- -----Frequently Asked Questions: -------------------------------- Q1: I have read the CASH.TXT and haven't understood how it works. A: You have 5 Addresses. Send to each address 1$ (altogether 5$). Delete the upper address (the first) in the CASH.TXT file and change the numbers of remaining 4 addresses (2nd -> 1st, 3rd -> 2nd, 4th -> 3rd, 5th -> 4th). Now add your Home address as 5th address. Finaly send the edited file (CASH.TXT) to min. 10 people. These can be your friends on the Internet, at school, etc... Q2: And I will recieve 100.000$? A: Maybe not all 100.000$ but two thousend dollar at all events! Q3: I think that it won't work, but let me assume that I have sent 5$ + (max.)5$(for envelopes), will I get 10$ back? A: Sure, In any case you will get 10$ back!! Look, if you send the file (CASH.TXT) to 10 people then everyone of them will send 1$ to you. And these are exactly 10$. Q4: But, if I can give this File to only 5 people, I won't get back 10$. A: YOU WILL! Just think forward! These 5 people will send the file (CASH.TXT) to other 10*5 people and you will then receive 5$ + 5 * 10$= 55$ and so on..! Q5: Hmm, seems great.., but sometime the people won't have remaining friends, which haven't had this File (CASH.TXT)! A: Yes,but this is an Utopia! There will be always people, which haven't had this File! THE INTERNET IS WORLD WIDE! Q6: Ok, ok, I believe you. I will make it, but is it legal? A: YES! The best on this thing is, that it's 100% LEGAL!!! Q7: Why are in the CASH.TXT file 2 same addresses? A: These two addresses are addresses of the inventor of this thing. It's the best that he will get a bit more dollars, I think. Q8: How many $ have you got, if I may ask? A: hehe! I got 176$. Which I have used to buy a Dimond Viper V330! WOW! This is a 3D-bomb!