How do I avoid the man-eating snake?

Hint 1 of 14:
There is no way to avoid it.

Hint 2 of 14:
But you might be able to find something that will help you out of your

Hint 3 of 14:
Maybe you can make the snake spit you out.

Hint 4 of 14:
You should have found something recently that might cause the snake to do so.

Hint 5 of 14:
Did you remember the plaque you read on the way to Danjer Cove?

Hint 6 of 14:
The ipecac flower can be used as a purgative.

Hint 7 of 14:
But the snake won't take the flower by itself.

Hint 8 of 14:
You can't reach anything outside of the snake.

Hint 9 of 14:
So look inside it.

Hint 10 of 14:
There's a bulge in his belly with a whole bunch of times.  Keep taking the
items there until there aren't any left.

Hint 11 of 14:
Have you ever heard of ipecac outside of this game?
