How can I get out of the quicksand?

Hint 1 of 15:
Did you see the life-saving vine?

Hint 2 of 15:
You might be able to shake that loose.

Hint 3 of 15:
Try throwing something at it.

Hint 4 of 15:
Like the paperweight.

Hint 5 of 15:
Well, your aim isn't good, but you're on the right track.  You just need to
find another way of getting the rock to hit the target.

Hint 6 of 15:
Maybe you could put it into position first.

Hint 7 of 15:
Try floating it over to the right location.

Hint 8 of 15:
Use it on the helium balloons.

Hint 9 of 15:
Then blow on the balloon.  The rock will eventually stop just above the vine.

Hint 10 of 15:
Finally, you need to get the rock to hit the vine itself.

Hint 11 of 15:
The balloon is holding up the rock.
