Carmageddon 2 - CARPOCALYPSE NOW - .TWT CHEAT FILE V.2.0 Installation: Just make a backup of the original data.twt in your carma2 subdirectory and place the file includet in this zip in your carma2 directory What does the file do? It depends on which difficulty level you play with. Easy : Gives you lots of time in the first level (!) - 2h so you can play with all pedestrians if you like. After finishing the first level you get 200000000 credits. But the most important thing: It gives you a lot of time in the missions. Normal : No changes made. Hard : Gives you much time in every level. I just hope that the AI is harder if you play on hard, otherwise its the same you just play easy. NOTE that there is a difference between mission and level!!! This file is tested and doesn't seem to make any poblems! It is written for the Swedish version (if there is any) but should work just fine for everybody else as well. ____________________________________________________________________ Note this: If any problems accour using the alterd twt file I will not be held responsible....!!!!!!!! ____________________________________________________________________ but I don't think that it contains bugs or makes any problems... for mission sollutions use your brain, go to the carma2 pages on the web or go to HTTP://AVAULT.COM maybe there is something later on... comments?