3-9-1999 Shogo: Mobile Armor Division Release Notes shogo_22_full.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch will update any version of Shogo (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1) to Version 2.2. For more information on Shogo patch files and updates, please visit the Shogo website at www.shogo-mad.com SAVE GAMES FROM ALL EARLIER VERSIONS ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION. All previous patch release notes are contained at the end of this .txt file. INSTALLING THE PATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. To install this patch, unzip shogo_22_full.zip into your main Shogo working directory (usually c:\games\shogo) 2. Overwrite existing files if prompted. If you want to uninstall the Shogo patch and revert to version 1.0, you can do a custom reinstall of Shogo from the Shogo CD. V2.2 UPDATES/BUG FIXES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features - Added support for DirectSound3D, A3D and EAX using the Miles Sound System. Use the 3DSound button under Advanced in the Shogo launcher to gain access to 3D Sound features. Please see the section on 3DSOUND for more info on how this works. - Added extended joystick support. There are several new .cfg files in a \Joysticks directory in this patch. Many different types of joysticks are covered, including the MadCatz PantherXL. Please see the section on JOYSTICKS for more info on how this works. - Added support for AMD's 3DNow! technology (thanks to Jayeson Lee-Steere at AMD for helping us implement support). If you have an AMD 3DNow! compliant CPU, you can enable this feature by selecting d3d3dnow.ren under the Display button in the Shogo launcher. Enabling this feature should provide about a 5%-15% speed improvement. NOTE: Enabling this feature on non-AMD hardware may cause unpredictable results. NOTE: We will release the d3d3dnow.ren as a separate upgrade patch shortly after the release of the 2.2 patch. Check the Shogo website for the most recent info www.shogo-mad.com. General Bug Fixes/Updates - Fixed several bugs with MultiTexturing. This should now work on TNT and Voodoo2 cards (enabling this feature may or may not provide a speed improvement, depending on hardware and drivers). Also added 'Enable single-pass multi-texturing' to the Advanced options in the launcher. Check this option to enable the feature. NOTE: 'Enable single-pass multi-texturing' may not work properly on all cards. We have verified that it performs properly on Voodoo2 and TNT cards. However, other newer cards may or may not work properly. If you experience problems while using this feature, UNCHECK THE OPTION. - Updated version # to include 2.2.xx, where xx is the build #. - Changed internal engine version numbers so engine now checks before allowing old versions to connect to newer versions. - Added an "incompatible version" error message when an older client (eg, 2.1) tries to connect to newer server (eg, 2.2.xx). However, when a newer client (2.2.xx) attempts to connect to an older server (2.1), a "Disconnected from server press Enter to continue" error message will appear on the client. - Updates to ShogoSrv.exe and server.dll--fixed a few crash bugs and memory leaks, so these should be more stable now. - Fixed some collision/physics bugs related to pushing player/objects. - Fixed server from creating too many id’s, which could cause an invisible player bug in multiplayer. - Fixed host-crashing when hitting frag limit (only happened during hosted games). - Fixed a bug causing an occasional crash on exit. - Fixed some missing resource messages getting sent to console regardless of debuglevel. - Fixed a bug related to internal string messages, which could have caused some random crashes. - Fixed several Shogo (game) memory leaks that may have caused server crashes. - Fixed internal Shogo (game) bug that could cause rare crashes on special fx. - Fixed an AI firing bug that was causing them to be a little less accurate. - Fixed a loading level bug that caused slow level loading. - Fixed a bug with calling MID_AFFECTPHYSICS where the object getting the function could possibly remove itself from the list being used by the engine. - Fixed GetDeviceObjects so it gets objects for all joysticks, not just the first one found. - Fixed a few typos in the launcher and game. - Added recommended settings for the ATI Rage 128. - Fixed bug that caused ShogoSrv to not register with the Shogo website unless the srv_send.txt file existed. - Updated main readme.txt file to include all previous updates. - Updated Shogo Online Manual (shogo.hlp) to contain more information about multiplayer games, online resources, GameSpy, and general gameplay. - Fixed game settings not getting saved when you hosted a multiplayer game from within the menus. - Added "High Ping/Modem" update rate choice to multiplayer wizard. Sound-related Fixes - Added delay between main Character dialog so they don't overlap/cut-off. May cause longer pauses between character dialog in Single Player. - Fixed sound bug where you couldn’t hear your own weapon fire if there were a lot of sounds happening around you (this happened a lot in OF_MadSkillz w/many players). - Made Major Character dialog sounds during cinematics play locally (inside the player's head) so they have full volume--this fixed volume drop-off caused by 3D positioning, but will remove left-right positioning during cutscenes. - Fixed bug where server wasn’t correctly telling client what sounds to cache. - Fixed server-side sounds not getting unloaded properly between levels. This caused the server to run out of object id’s. - Added replacements for a few stereo files (could have caused some problems with 3D sound enabled). KNOWN BUGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Multiple USB hubs--if you have multiple USB hubs installed, DirectInput may not function properly--disable 1 (or more) of the hubs until a fix for DirectX is released. - Spawn points--most of the current multiplayer levels do not have enough spawn points to support many players. An update for server admins will be made available shortly after the release of 2.2.xx. The update will contain new versions of all multiplayer levels, including more start points and fixed skies so players can't tractor beam to them. Only server admins will need to get this fix when it becomes available (shogo_22_server.zip). Clients who want to host LAN games should also get the fix. shogo_22_server.zip will contain a replacement ShogoP2.rez with the new versions of the levels. - Shogo may not be able to recognize the "wheel" on some Logitech mice/driver combinations. Switching to Microsoft drivers or newer Logitech mouse drivers should cure the problem. NEW CONSOLE VARIABLES/COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added the ColorScale <0.0 - 1.0> console variable to scale the texture color (default is 1.0). This is a fun option. - Added the CacheFiles <0, 1> console variable (default 1). Setting this to 0 causes it to not cache files, which loads levels a lot faster. Useful if you're building/testing custom levels and jumping in/out of levels often. JOYSTICKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shogo v2.2 contains enhancements for analog joysticks, as well as the ability to read in a separate JOYSTICK.CFG file. For very detailed information on setting up your joystick to work with Shogo, please see the joystick.htm file in the \Joystick directory. There are several sample joystick configuration files included in the \Joystick directory for your reference. - JOY1.CFG Standard Analog Joystick Forward/Backward Movement Left/Right Strafe - JOY2.CFG Standard Analog Joystick Forward/Backward Movement Left/Right Turn - JOY3.CFG Standard Analog Joystick Look Up/Down and Left/Right Turn - JOY4.CFG Standard Digital Joystick Forward/Backward Movement Left/Right Strafe - JOYPXL.CFG Panther XL Standard Setup--trackball for Left/Right and Up/Down and joystick for Forward/Backward and Left/Right Strafe - JOYPXL2.CFG Panther XL Standard Setup 2-- trackball for Left/Right and Up/Down and joystick for Forward/Backward and Left/Right Strafe, different button setup than joypxl.cfg - JOYS360.CFG SpaceOrb 360 Analog Bindings - JOYS360D.CFG SpaceOrb 360 Digital Bindings - JOYURG1.CFG UR Gear Headset+Joystick Standard Setup To use one of these pre-made sample .cfg files, save the sample .cfg file as JOYSTICK.CFG into your main Shogo install directory (usually c:\games\shogo). If the JOYSTICK.CFG file exists in your c:\games\shogo directory when Shogo is launched, the JOYSTICK.CFG file will be used by the game. NOTE: Using a JOYSTICK.CFG file will cause the in-game JOYSTICK menu to be disabled. You can modify the joystick configuration by editing the JOYSTICK.CFG file. Many joystick manufacturers provide specific configuration files for their products. Please check with your joystick manufacturer to see if there is a .cfg file available for Shogo: Mobile Armor Division. If you don't want the joystick.cfg file to be used, you can delete it from your c:\games\shogo directory. 3D SOUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shogo v2.2 now supports a variety of 3D Sound hardware. To access the 3D Sound options in Shogo, click Advanced... in the Shogo launcher, then click 3DSound... Note that when you click the 3DSound... button, Shogo uses the MSS32.DLL file to query your sound card. The options listed in the Providers area depend on the audio hardware you have installed on your PC. Shogo will always default to 'No 3D sound' unless you specify a different 3D sound provider. We recommend that you download or obtain the latest drivers from your sound card manufacturer for the best audio performance in Shogo. As of the release of this patch, Monolith was testing with the latest beta drivers from Creative Labs for the SB Live family of sound cards. Upgrading to the latest drivers will help cure a "muffled" sound problem in Shogo w/DS3D w/EAX enabled. Providers The list of providers that you can use in Shogo is dependent on what kind of sound card you have. Shogo autodetects your hardware, so you will only receive those providers that are supported on your system. Here's the current list of providers (note that as newer providers become available in future patches, this list may grow): - No 3D sound This option keeps everything the way it was under the old Shogo sound system. Provides panning 3d, volume fades. Maximum performance w/greatest compatibility. - Miles 2D stereo positional audio Uses the Miles Sound System to create some 3D-type sound effects including panning 3d, volume fades and dopplering. Provides enhanced audio w/minor performance hit. - Microsoft DirectSound3D software emulation This option will attempt to emulate DirectSound3D hardware acceleration in software. Potentially a large performance hit. May not be compatible with all sound cards. Fun to play around with this, but not recommended. - Microsoft DirectSound3D hardware support A generic DirectSound3D provider. If this option is displayed, your sound card supports Directsound3D hardware acceleration. - Microsoft DirectSound3D with Creative Labs EAX(TM) Choose this option if you have a SoundBlaster Live! or PCI 128 from Creative Labs. We recommend that you get the newest Creative drivers when using EAX. This option kicks major ass. - Aureal A3D Interactive(TM) This option will be displayed if you have an A3D compliant sound card (Diamond MX200 or MX300, Turtle Beach Montego or Montego2 to name a few). We recommend that you get the newest drivers for your sound card when using A3D. - RSX 3D Audio from RAD Game Tools This is a software sound system that provides some additional 3D sound enhancements. Samples The hardware and software samples tell Shogo how many different sounds you want to mix during gameplay. Some sound cards may support more than 16 Hardware Samples (for example, the Creative Labs SBLive! card supports 32 samples in hardware mixing). Changing the number of samples may affect performance on your system. Reverb This controls the amount of "echo" that you will hear when using some DirectSound3D providers (EAX, for example, provides hardware accelerated reverb). Very High will provide the most echo, Very Low provides the least amount. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always, please check the Shogo website at www.shogo-mad.com for the most recent updates, patches and information on Shogo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where's the luv? You know where. -* M O N O L I T H *- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-10-98 Shogo Multiplayer Point Release 2.1 Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This patch will update Shogo Version 2.0 (Shogo Multiplayer Point Release 2.0) to version 2.1. YOU MUST FIRST HAVE THE 2.0 (SMPR20.ZIP FILE) INSTALLED IN ORDER TO USE THIS PATCH! PREVIOUS SAVE GAMES FROM 2.0 OR EARLIER ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! Updates/Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added support for launching from The Zone. - Fixed ShogoServ.exe bug where it crashes when #levels in list is > 16. Now supports up to 50 levels. - Made a bunch of memory leak fixes (hopefully this will fix the servers crashing after 8 hours or so). - Fixed the bug that caused a crash when using the mpmech cheat. This bug also caused the weapons to get placed on the wrong nodes when models were changed (gun sticking out of knee bug). This also fixes the crash when changing to kid mode. - Added a client-side console command "AutoWeaponSwitch" which defaults to 0. If set to 1, weapons will automatically be switched to when picked up in multiplayer (i.e., it will work the same way as single-player). - Fixed a couple of bugs with the host's list of selected levels and using custom levels (it wouldn't restore them properly the next time). - Fixed the problem of the in-game interface going away when killed/hit while zoomed in with sniper rifle. - Fixed being stuck in ground bug (load world via console). - Fixed more memory leaks (most were single-player only). - Fixed ShogoSrv so that it actually loads custom rez files properly. - Improved net performance on some modems that were having "high ping" related problems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-17-98 Multiplayer Point Release 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Multiplayer Point Release will update Shogo Version 1.0 (retail version) and Shogo 1.1 (alpha patch) to Version 2.0. We have made numerous changes to Shogo for this point release. Our focus has been mainly on multiplayer enhancements, but some single player fixes and general game enhancements have been made as well. A detailed list of changes are listed in this file, so PLEASE READ ON. WARNING: PREVIOUS SAVE GAMES FROM 1.0 OR 1.1 (alpha) ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION. To counteract this, we added a levels cheat to get back to any level in the game. See the console section for details on how to use this option. Multiplayer Updates/Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed DirectPlay and implemented less problematic TCP/IP driver--this means ShogoSrv should work on NT. - Gamespy now reports gamever as 2.0. - Added Port option in ShogoSrv and MultiWizard when hosting. 0 will use the default port (27888). You can specify your own port if the default doesn't work. - 10 new multiplayer levels. - MCA_Madskills and OF_MadSkillz are skill maps, and not designed for more than a few people. - 5 updated and tweaked retail multiplayer levels. - Moved the weapon firing (along with a lot of other stuff) to the client. This was the big one. Yes, it took a long time. :) - Smoothed out prediction for other players--much smoother now. - Disabled being able to jump when ducked. - Can't hold down jump key and constantly jump now (Mexican Jumping Bean bug). - Added telefragging for respawning--this fixed some falling out of the world issues--this will also give the fragger 1 frag (+1). - Added "auto self-fragging" if you manage to fall out of the world (should make FragSelf console less likely to be used)--takes away a frag (-1). - Fixed a bunch of "not being able to connect" bugs. - Fixed "hanging at load screen" bugs. - New powerups/hand-held weapons and skins. - New multiplayer spawn-in effect. - Frag screen shows player ping time and color. - Frag screen sorted by frag count. - New player colors and skins (we changed the way this works). - Made numerous updates to ShogoSrv (Shogo listen server). See ShogoSrv.txt for details. - MultiWizard shows IP's and pings next to games. - Added connection speed combo box to MultiWizard. Choose the connection speed appropriate for your computer. If you experience inconsistent performance, choosing modem (28.8k/56k) is the safest choice. UpdateRate (the # of times the client gets updates from the server) is listed next to the connection speed. - Added max Framerate checkbox to MultiWizard. Checking this will help on modem play if you check it and leave it at the default 30fps. - Local games (eg, LAN games) will always show up in the MultiWizard (both TCP/IP and IPX games). - Servers update stats for people in MultiWizard every 10 seconds. - Added several multiplayer game options to MultiWizard: Tractor Beam Double Jump Ramming Damage (for vehicles in MCA mode) RunSpeed (default = 1.3 for multiplayer) Missile Speed World Time Speed (default of -1 = off) Night Color (rgb values) Item Respawn Scale Heal Scale - All Shogo multiplayer options get saved in your autoexec.cfg file with 'net' prefix. - Fixed the tractor-beam when dead bug (AKA "roaching" when dead bug). - Fixed being able to tractor beam to the sky. - ModelAdd (r g b) will increase visibility of other players in some dark multiplayer levels. A good value to add is ModelAdd 50 50 50. This is a console command and makes all models (players, powerups, etc) brighter. Will only work under D3D (eg, not soft.ren). Not a new feature, but figured we'd tell everyone about this. - added ipdevice console variable for machines with multiple comm devices ...see the section on Console Commands. - Added ShogoP2.rez--contains only fixes to the retail multiplayer levels and new levels. - updated mp levels to actually use correct palettes (man, we spaced on that one). - Made it so double-jump keyboard key will make player do 'single-jump' when in onfoot level where double-jump is disabled. Single Player/General Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Games saved using version 1.0 OR 1.1 will not work with version 2.0. - Save file info now stored in Save20.ini. - Fixed some USB keyboard and USB mouse issues. - If you've manually edited your autoexec.cfg file and renamed ##mouse to anything else, make sure that it is ##mouse again. This enables a workaround for some of the USB mouse problems. You can also check "restore factory defaults" under the Advanced option in the Shogo Launcher. - Disabled the InterfaceToggle key (i.e. the "o" key) It was undocumented and lots of people accidently hit it and couldn't figure out what happened. You can still get rid of the interface by hitting + a few times. Hitting - will bring it back. - Removed jump up/down animations. They were causing all sorts of problems and they didn't look very good anyway. - Fixed crashes with joystick (enhanced joystick support is not in yet). - Fixed AI bugs (AIs not seeing you). - Fixed red tint after dying. - Fixed MCA vehicle to on-foot level weapons bug (allowed you to have MCA weapon in single player games). - Fixed a bug that caused player to be stuck in first frame of an animation. - Added "picked up" messages for all pick up items (that didn't already have messages). - Fixed AI shooting through walls/doors bug. - Removed explosion when killing MCA's with melee weapons. - Fixed ammo icon not always displayed correctly after reloading a saved game. - Fixed muzzle flash not going away when you die. - Fixed bug that allowed you to zoom the sniper rifle when in vehicle mode. - Added longer pause after you die before load screen comes up. - Removed Sanjuro exclamation point in Single Player - Fixed version of 27_New_MCA included in patch (fixes some issues due to new stuff). - Fixed skin on player-view sniperrifle to work in software (alpha was messed up). - Fixed mip-mapping on spider explosion (single and multiplayer). - Added console.pcx (background image for console). - Made player invulnerable during cinematics--this solves many, many issues, but it works a little differently now. New console variables/commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnableRetailLevels <0,1> - Gives access to all retail levels. You must use this on the command line or put it in your autoexec.cfg (eg, before you run the game). Setting this to 1 will give you access to all the retail levels through Single Player... Custom Levels. Force1Pass <0,1> - Single-pass multitexuring! Setting this to 1 turns it on. This needs to be specified on the command line before you start a game. You can add this to the command line by adding +Force1Pass 1 to the command line box under the advanced options in the launcher. This should work with the most recent DX6 Beta drivers from 3DFX for the Voodoo2, as well as the current drivers for the TNT. Recommended only for advanced users! WARNING: enabling Force1Pass will break ModelFullBrights and Saturate IPDevice <0,1,2,3,n) - Specifies the IP device to use for tcp/ip. By default this is 0 (eg, Shogo will use the first device it finds). Useful if you have more than 1 comm device (such as a cable modem and a 56k modem on the same machine). Put this in your autoexec.cfg or ShogoSrv.cfg or add to the command line w/+. Saturate <0,1> - Turns on extra color saturation. Looks cool. Only works on lightmapped areas of levels. Usefull if you think a level looks "too dark" and you don't want to change the gamma on your card. SoftBrightScale - Tweaks the brightness in the software renderer. MaxFPS - Limits your framerate. Helps modem play to limit it to around 30 fps. This value is set by the Framerate checkbox in the MultiWiz. FragSelf - Kills you instantly. Useful if you fall out of the world. UpdateRate - Controls how fast the server sends updates to your client. This is the value that is affected by the connection speed you choose in the MuliWiz. It can be set higher for more responsive LAN play, or lower for modem Internet play. Note: this is remembered each time you run so if you run through GameSpy it will use your last setting. BodyLifetime - Sets the lifetime for dead bodies in multiplayer. Defaults to 10 seconds. Was set at 120 seconds (ack). KNOWN ISSUES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the known bugs or issues at this point: - Sounds cutting in and out--only happens when there are many, many players firing in one small area, such as 16 players firing the Juggernaut in MCA_Madskills. - If you're having problems getting the patch to work correctly, as a last-ditch effort you can try uninstalling Shogo, reinstalling Shogo, and then applying the patch. We doubt very much that this will be an issue for many (if any) people, but just in case... :)