Mix Simulation

[IMG] Mix Simulation
This is a playback tool for viewing particles moving in a velocity field. Included with this demo are two different simulations - a kiln and a mix tank.

Brief Instructions

The non-GUI version

arrow keysrotate.
HOMERestore rotation to default
0stop the animation.
g GGo. Start the animation.
q Q ESCQuit. Exit the program.
+ =Run the animation forward.
- _Run the animation backward.

The GUI version

Use of the GUI has all the features, although some are a bit awkward to use.

From the graphics window:

Other Information

These simulations were produced by a CFD run (around 10 hours in a Cray C90 or T90). The velocity field generated by the CFD run was fed into another program (running on an Origin 2000) that put in around 40k particles and traced them for many frames (which took between 10 minutes and an hour). The results (animated particles) is what this demo is showing...
