
[IMG] Pump
Optimizer pump vs. Inventor pump

Brief Instructions

Left mouse: rotation.
Middle mouse: Z-axis translation.
Right mouse: X-Y translation.

Detailed Instructions

Key bindings:
ESC:   Quit.
   :   Stop scene motion.
  !:   Save recording.
  ?:   Print GL status during next frame.
  B:   Toggle bounding box display.
  L:   Add second light, opposite of first
  O:   Toggle rendering of visible/occluded geometry.
  P:   Print highlighted portion of scene graph
  S:   Toggle status display - inUtility mode.
  W:   Toggle scribe mode.
  X:   Delete nurb.
  [:   Start recording.
  \:   Playback last recording.
  ]:   Stop recording.
  b:   Toggle backface culling.
  c:   Toggle conservative mode.
  h:   Print help message.
  i:   Toggle Highlight Mode
  l:   Toggle light direction mode
  o:   Toggle occlusion culling.
  p:   Print scene graph
  q:   Quit.
  r:   Reset
  s:   Toggle status display - inStrip mode.
  t:   Toggle textured lighting
  u:   Unpick
  v:   Toggle view frustum culling.
  w:   Toggle wireframe mode.
  d:   (UP arrow) Move highlight up in hierarchy
  f:   (DOWN arrow) Move highlight down in hierarch
710:   (ALT-Left Mouse) Trigger pick & move

Other Information

data from Coltech Industries
