
[IMG] OpenVision
Animation showing OpenVision 4.0 - a new 3D Geoscience and Engineering Visualization Application.

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Landmark Graphics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Halliburton Company

OpenVision 4.0 is a new 3D Geoscience and Engineering Visualization Application. OpenVision provides the next generation of workflow and data integration offered by Landmark. Its enabling technology allows the visual integration of data and interpretations from several multi-disciplinary applications and datastores. On top of the data integration supported by OpenWorks, OpenVision provides true workflow integration with links to SeisWorks, Z-MAP Plus, SigmaView, StratWorks and the Sierra modeling applications.

Shown in this demos is a Display of SeisWorks seismic data and results of VIP reservoir simulation (water saturation at injector wells) with interactively created targets from Wellbore Planner in OpenVision.