
RISC World

The Hugh Jampton Experience

It's the man who thinks ebay (gum) is what they say "up north"...Hugh...Jampton!

Ah, it's the end of another year of the Hugh Jampton column. The column that makes others look well written. Anyway that's enough of that, and this is probably enough if this, so lets get on with the great unloved caption competition...

The caption competition

Last issue I gave you this to work with, and what have our readers come up with?

Answer, nothing, not a bean, not a sausage, bugger all in fact. This isn't on. I mean I go to all the trouble of spending 20 seconds finding a vaguely amusing photo from the ones that get e-mailed to me and you lot can't even be bothered to send me an e-mail. Just a little e-mail with a funny caption, is that too much to ask for?

Anyway perhaps you need something a bit more topical to get the creative juices, or indeed the prune juices, flowing, so can anyone (please) come up with a suitable caption for this?

Send your entries to Lets face it based on this issues response you have a 100% chance of winning if you send something in...

Right, now lets get the funny pictures over with and then I can go down the pub...

Hugh's picture gallery

So let's start with some good advice...

Although it's not funny it is clever...

It's just so true...

And here is something else for every other BMW owner...

And here is an interesting auction from eBay recently...

..and finally here is something that should amuse...

That's it, shut the door on your way out.

Hugh Jampton
