
RISC World

The Hugh Jampton Experience

It's the man with the high risk credit report...Hugh Jampton

Thank you and welcome to another star studied Hugh Jampton column. So as per usual, and because I don't get paid enough to come up with many new ideas, why don't we kick off with the RISCWorld caption competition...

The caption competition

Last issue we published this and asked our readers to pick up their crayons and send in (getting an adult to help) their suggestions...

So what wondrous literary creations arrive in my e-mail box?

" Gordon Kaye finds long last twin brother Dave and discovers they have a common interest..."
Says Gordon. 'The years have definitely been kinder to Dave'.
Dave says. 'That Fat so and so's my twin you could've fooled me.'

John Crane

"Library set to re-design new computer suite..... "
Director says. 'We designed our suite around an 'average' person. Looking at our first customers, clearly some are a bit more average than others..."

John Crane

"So this is what they meant, when they said I was entitled to a new slimline Desktop"
John Crane

(I have to add my caption here, "Fat32 against NTFS, the debate continues" - ED)

Can you spot a common theme here? Yes, that's right all the entries came from John Crane. Which means that for the second issue in a row John is our lucky winner. All he needs to do to claim his luxury £2.50 all exclusive holiday is sign a cheque and mail it to the RISCWorld offices. Don't worry about the amount John, we will fill that in later.

Still, so much for that, now lets move on to this issues photo...

Send your entries to, one lucky winner will be whisked off to the cash till. And now a quick new feature, Hugh's press room...

Hugh's Press Room

This is a new feature for RISCWorld where I give space to some of the press releases that you won't have seen...

Castle re-brands RISC OS

In a bold and striking move Castle Technology have decided to rebrand RISC OS. A spokesman said "We have been undertaking an exhaustive program of customer research. This has revealed that the name RISC OS isn't known to a wide enough demographic". The spokesman then went on to add, "However the number 5 was recognised by nearly 72.6% of those questioned. So after a long consultancy process we have decided to keep the number 5 and rename the rest. Henceforth RISC OS 5 will be known as Windows 95. That way although it will still be 10 years out of date at least people will have heard of it."

Hugh's picture gallery

Well you'll have to wait till you are a bit older...

Then you will be able to get a job with these people...

But probably not a job here...

Moving on we find a sign writer with a sense of humour...

And he seems to have lots of work...

Finally here's a message for all RISC OS users...

That's it, will the last one out please turn off the lights.

Hugh Jampton
