
RISC World

Letters Page

It's thinner than Posh Spice, yes it's the RISCWorld letters page...

Dear Aaron,
I'm thinking of releasing some of my software as free, so I was wondering whether, if I do, you'd like to include it in RISCWorld and review it as well.
Marc Warne

Well this is a simple one, it's a yes please! (Which is exactly the reply I sent to Marc, his response was)...

Dear Aaron,
Right, here is CocoGnut 1.21. It'll probably be publicly released in the next few days, but please don't distribute it until it is released. It's RISC OS's only peer-to-peer filesharing application. Information is available at All the best,
Marc Warne

Thanks, I have included Cocognut in the software directory of this issue. Due to time constraints I haven't had a chance to get it reviewed but I will try to do so for the next issue. For anyone that hasn't tried Cocognut it is, as Marc says, the only peer to peer filesharing solution for RISC OS. it connects via the Gnutella network and allows users to share millions of files. I should of course point out that you should only ever upload or download files with the permission of the copyright holder.

Dear Aaron,
I need to install all my Fonts to an ADFS drive in VRPC. The IDE disc created though, is rather small at only 50M in size. How can I change the size of the drive? My fonts are over 100Mb in size, so I'd like to create an ADFS drive image of at least 200Mb.
Bob Standing

This is a question I have been asked a few times recently, so I have written an article about how to alter the size of the ADFS harddisc partition on VirtualAcorn and it's in this very issue of RISCWorld. It's quite easy to do, once you understand how, and can easily be done in under 10 minutes.

Anyway moving on that seems to be nearly it for this letters page...

Dear Aaron,
Why is this issues letters page so short?

Hugh Jampton

The simple answer is that we aren't getting as many letters as we used to. The number of e-mails have dropped dramatically over the last 12 months. I am sure that it isn't a co-incidence but in the same period the number of postings to the comp.sys.acorn newsgroups have also fallen by a large volume. So why not pop us quick e-mail to so that we can have more comment on the letters page. As I have said many times before RISCWorld is your magazine, so lets hear your views.

(P.S. And if you are a RISCWorld author nicking stuff from the letters page for your own articles then Paul Brett better stand up now!)

Aaron Timbrell
