
RISC World

The Hugh Jampton Experience

He's still standing...after all this time...

Yes it's time for the best bit of RISCWorld, the end, but before that let me present the great and unloved caption competition.

The caption competition

Last issue we published this bit of old tat and asked our tatty old readers to come up with a suitable caption...

So we have a choice of...

"No 'walkies' today I'm busy"
Harry Smith


"On-line shopping is so exhausting"
Harry Smith

This was a really tough decision for the judges as they just couldn't separate our one competitor. In the end Harry Smith managed to clinch it for also adding that he would like to win Hugh's caption competition...

"For the joy of not having to watch for the postman not bringing my prize"

Well may your wish be fulfilled! Especially as it was harry's idea to have a "Why I would like to win Hugh's caption competition" competition in the first place.

Why didn't someone send in the obvious caption? "I'm a lap dog!", who knows!

Moving on, and in the vain hope that anyone is still reading, can anyone, that's anyone at all, come up with a caption for this...please?

Send your entries to and you too could live in your own house.

Hugh's picture gallery

So lets see what was mixed in with the Viagra adverts in my e-mail this month...

Firstly lets start off with the sort of sign the EEC would like to see more of...

Mind you this is the sort of thing the big multi-nationals would like to see...

Here's the sort of direct advertising we need more of...

A lot of signs now need to be bi-lingual...

Or just stating the obvious...

Finally here's a special advert for all of you...

That's all from me for this issue, see you again in July.

Hugh Jampton
