
RISC World

RiscCAD Reference Manual


Page rulers

Page rulers are displayed around the edge of the drawing window. They are turned on using Page rulers in the Display control dialogue box or with the keyboard short-cut CTRL-SHIFT-P.

Page rulers are always origined with the drawing origin.

Ruler units can be set independently of the drawing units. Ruler settings are accessed from the Ruler Menu, which is opened by clicking MENU anywhere on the ruler.

The Units submenu allows ruler units to be changed. There is no option for User units.

The Spacing submenu controls the spacing of the major ruler divisions. These are the divisions which are numbered on the ruler.

The Divisions submenu controls the number of tick marks between the major divisions. So, for example, setting the ruler units to feet and the divisions to 12, makes the ruler display feet and inches.

The ruler is scaled by the drawing scale.

If, due to drawing scale, zoom, units and divisions, the spacing becomes to small to be displayed, the spacing will be changed to suit the current requirements. The spacing will return to the correct values if the drawing scale (zoom) is increased.

Page ruler values are stored within the drawing header. Each drawing may have different ruler settings.

