
RISC World

The Hugh Jampton Experience

Yes, live from a reconstituted dustbin somewhere on the M1....It's.......Hugh Jampton!

Thank you, yes it's me, back again.

Last issues caption competition

As you may well remember we ran this picture last time round....

As luck would have it the email address is now working and so we have some lucky competitors this time round. So in no particular order the entries were....

"Bill had removed the fans from his Windows PC so it would be as quiet as his friend Jack's Iyonix"
Andrew Harsmworth

"I know PCs are frustrating, but when I said DRAG and DROP I didn't mean into the fire."
I Semple

"What pillock suggested using Firewire!!!"
John McCartney

"I had only switched it on for 10 minutes, boss, honest!"
William McNee

"Intel announce the new 20GHz P4"
Stephen Parkin

"It hasn't done THAT before!"
Michael Poole

"I knew that Intel chips ran hot, but I didn't expect it that hot!"
Dennis Williams

However for me the winner must come from a "tired and emotional" Alan Shooter with this...

G'day, I thought smiley face only came laid on the side. To me the main box has a thank full smile or from the froth of a pint of a certain beer.
Alan Shooter
ps caught you, I ment Tetley's beer wonder Australians are xxxxing all over. Alan wins a packet of Aspro Clear and a lie down, now can anyone please tell me what on earth Alan is trying to say? (And no that isn't this issues competition, that's coming

Hughs Caption Competition

Right after the success of the photo in the last issue can anyone come up with a caption for this?

As usual send your entries to and we will print the cleanest ones. Just like last issue there may be a prize, but lets face it that really isn't very likely.

Moving on to this issues collection of sillyness that has arrived in my in box over the last few weeks.

Ah, well, if only it could happen again....still it might put a stop to these sorts of products.

And if you have had that NT experience you might sympathise with this.

Of course you could always pop into your local book store for one of those handy "idiots guides."

And then of course you will need a new computer with a new processor.

I wonder what the Pentium4 version looks like? Still I will leave you with one that really did make me laugh.

Until next time

That's it for this issue, and don't forget to leave your radio on during the night.

Hugh Jampton
