
RISC World

Wakefield 2003

The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club

The Wakefield RISCOS Computer Club is pleased to be able to announce its intention to run another show in 2003. The show will be on Saturday, 10th May 2003, and open to the public between 10 am and 4:30 pm.

It has been decided to run only a one day event this time, due to the low attendances on the Sunday in the past, and in order to be able to continue with the show. Although we had looked at some alternative venues for this years smaller show, we have again decided it will be back at its usual venue, for the past few years, of the Thornes Park Athletic Stadium.

It is again intended to have a show theatre, but this will be in a different location within the building to previous years since the room used before is no longer available.We also plan on the usual charity stall, and this year everything must go by the end of the day, so there will be some real bargains to be had.

There will be no advance ticket sales available this year, in order to help to keep costs down. Tickets will cost �5 (under 16's will be free if accompanied by an adult), but large parties of under 16's arriving together will be subject to the normal entry charge. More details will be released as soon as possible.

A website will also be going active very shortly at Our sponsors this year are R-Comp/R-Comp Interactive, Stuart Tyrrell Developments and Spellings Computer Services.

The show will again be run and organised by the members and volunteers of the Wakefield RISCOS Computer Club in their spare time. Please do support both the dedication of these volunteers and the exhibitors attending.

The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club
