
RISC World


Dave Bradforth and Aaron Timbrell delve into the software directory.

Welcome to the first in a new volume of RISC World. As promised last time, we'll be continuing to provide world exclusive full commercial software on every issue. We do work hard to provide variety with the RISC World software, so if we're getting it wrong do tell us - on a similar token if we're doing something exactly right let us know as it helps us to continue providing what you want.

Bitfolio sampler

500 images taken from the Bitfolio and Robert Duncan CD-ROMs.

When first released in 1995 and 1996 respectively, the Bitfolio clipart CD-ROMs became well known for their quality within the RISC OS market. They're still available today, and as a sampler of the quality available we've arranged for 500 sample images to be included on this issue's disc. If you like what's on offer, we have two very special offers available.

The Bitfolio 7 collection includes over 10,000 images in drawfile format for use in most RISC OS applications. It's supplied with a colour printed manual detailing everything within, and helping to locate that essential image with the greatest of ease. APDL has a strictly limited number of Bitfolio 7 packs at just £29 + £1 p&p (usually); but exclusively to RISC World subscribers you can buy the Bitfolio 7 pack for just £19 + £1 p&p saving £10 on the usual price but well over £40 on the full retail price.


The !DeskBogo application for this issues competition, the BogoMips challenge. Have you got the fastest RISC OS computer on the planet? Or even the slowest? You are going to have run this program to find out aren't you?


Sample still pictures, and some movies in AVI format from Paul Johnson's Digital Camera column.

Easy C++

Full commercial C compiler, previously priced at £99 + VAT!

When first released in 1995, Easy C++ was the first such compiler for users of RISC OS. It appeared about three months before Acorn's version, but very quickly found itself left behind as it didn't support a vast number of libraries. In October 2000 Easy C++ was acquired by APDL and ProAction Software and subsequently relaunched in a new CD-ROM based format. Included on this months CD-ROM we've got the complete release as provided by APDL and ProAction Software.

For those who prefer a more heavyweight application, we've recently updated Easy C++ to support more recent libraries; and improvements include a number of tutorials for C++, a number of guides to using the program and sample code to get users started.

This new release is available to RISC World readers at £10 until 1st September 2002, by calling APDL on 020 8778 2659 and providing credit/debit card details. A new manual has also been prepared, and we're pleased to bring the standard price down to £8 for the duration of this offer. If you require the printed manual, you must state this at the time of ordering and note it will add to the cost and postage.


A copy of the Football Manager game, and the latest updates for TEK.


The sample page from Aaron's HTML article, along with the graphics. For the truly sad the image is a picture of Lord Clippy, who was going to front Mr Clippy version 2.0, but in the end Mr Clippy did the job himself.


All the source code and the executbales from Brian Pickard's series.


All the latest PD, shareware and freeware releases from the PD column.


All the latest downloads and upgrades from the VirtualAcorn website.

Dave Bradforth and Aaron Timbrell
