
RISC World

The RISC World competition page

Win stuff with RISC World!

Win one of three ClipArt sets - worth £39.96 each!

Focus Multimedia have kindly donated three of the 20,000 Photos, 5,000 Cartoon Clipart Images, 100,000 Web Graphics and 25,000 Animated Web Graphics CD-ROMs to be won by lucky RISC World readers. We've divided them up into packs so three lucky winners will get one of each. However we are now going to make you work for it.....ha ha ha (evil laughter)....

The BogoMips Challenge
Inside the COMPO directory in the Software directory on the CD is a program called !DeskBogo. This measures the speed of your machine, the higher the number the faster it is. So why not run it now on your machine, heres the result of running it on one of our machines.

so we have three sets of clip art to give away, as follows.

  • One set to the overall fastest RISC OS computer (the highest BogoMips figure).
  • One set to the slowest RISC OS computer (the lowest BogoMips figure).
  • And finally one set to anyone who can tell us which machine gave us the bogomips figure shown above, and no before you start wondering it wasn't an Omega.

So lets establish a few rules. Firstly you must not hack the BogoMips program to "enhance" the figure, however you can run in any screen mode you like, with whatever software you like running on the machine. There are a number of ways of winning both the highest and lowest placed prizes, but we are not going to tell you how to do it, you will have to work it out for yourselves.

Once you have come up with your BogoMips figure send the editor an email, and please don't forget to include your full name, details of your machine and the screen shot of the BogoMips test. So if you want everyone else to know you have the fastest, or slowest, computer around you had better get bogo-ing!. As usual we will publish the winners next issue.

VirtualA5000 - winners

You will no doubt remember that last issue we asked which version of RISC OS was shipped with the A5000 when it first launched. The answer was of course RISC OS 3.00. So first out the the hat were.....(drum roll)......

Ken Butcher
Pete Margetts

Copies of VirtualA5000 will be sent out to you as soon as possible, or earlier.

Want to win!

The only way to win with RISC World is to enter the competition. So in order to stand a chance of winning a lovely set of Clip Art CDs you will need to send us an e-mail with an attached picture of the result of the BogoMips test, and please don't forget to include your full name and address.

Hugh Jampton has been sheep worrying for charity.

RULES: Staff of RISC World and anybody else involved with this promotion may not enter. The editor's decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. There is no cash alternative to any of the prizes on offer. Winners names will be published within the editorial of the next issue. The closing date is 21st June 2002 - all entries arriving after that date will be forced to install RISC OS Select.

Hugh Jampton
