
RISC World

Gaming previews

Andy Spence previews a few of the upcoming releases in the RISC OS gaming market.

Note: with the screenshots, you can click on them to see a full-size version. Adjust-click will open them in a new window in most browsers.

Chaos Engine

  • Developers: R-Comp Interactive
  • Players: 1-2 players
  • Type: 2D action/adventure

What is it?

The Bitmap-Brothers' 93 classic is finally about to debut on the RISC OS market. Top-down action/adventure where you gun down 'baddies' find keys/doors and build up two character strengths from a choice of eight. In single player mode the computer controls your partner, but as you'd expect the game is much better in two player mode. This game was originally supposed to have been released years ago but the conversion ran into a few problems. Anyway, it's here now and you can buy it for the slightly expensive £20 from RCI. The game just missed the deadline so expect a review next month.

Best Features:

  • Extremely fun to play with a friend.
  • Characters can be built up with different skills throughout game.
  • Come on, it was made by the Bitmap-Brothers!
Chaos Engine CE - These monsters will give you nightmares... maybe not CE - Looks like the Bitmap-Bros watch the Adams Family

Iron Dignity

  • Developers: Artex Software
  • Players: 1-8 network
  • Type: 3D strategy

What is it?

We previewed this in the last issue, more new screenshots but unfortunately still from the PC version. ID is Commandos in 3D with futuristic units instead of men where you infiltrate enemy territory, destroy conveys/outposts and even go underground through tunnels and caves. With a large range of units and terrain, with variety in missions this almost so tasty you can smell it. ID's development should now be leading up to release, so hopefully expect a review next issue.

Best Features:

  • The leading graphics engine in the RISC OS market.
  • Multiplayer support in the form of network/tcpip play.
  • Tactical and cockpit views, so you can be part of and control the action.
ID - Weather effects and lots of views ID - First person view ID - Nice lighting

TBA Collection CD

  • Developers: R-comp Interactive
  • Players: 1
  • Type: 3D Action games

What is it?

TBA has finally packed it all in and now RCI is making a CD of all TBA's games and source code. Among these should be a new version of Brutal Horse Power, and the source code to the unfinished Quake. The source code which is pretty much useless in the hands of a mere gamer could help programmers develop their own 3D games faster. All in all it's like picking something good out of a bad thing, much like raisins in muesli.

Best Features:

  • All TBA games including unreleased new version of BHP.
  • For programmers, source code to TAG3, Quake and more.
  • Only costs around twenty of your English pounds.
BHP - A rare rear ended view from TBA? Quake - Sparks fly as 'player' proves he hasn't just got a big gun

Andy Spence
