
RISC World

Gaming previews

Andy Spence previes a few of the upcoming releases in the RISC OS gaming market.

Note: with the screenshots, you can click on them to see a full-size version. Adjust-click will open them in a new window in most browsers.

TEK 1608 by Artex

  • Players: 1 player
  • Type: Freeware

What is it?

TEK 1608 is a Command & Conquer-style game from Artex Software, where the object of ther game is to complete various missions for either company, eventually leading to your control of distribution of the drug 'Shock' that the human race is hooked on.

Key features

  • Multiplayer option over serial link and Internet (over multi-platforms), with up to eight players.
  • Modular system; lets you add a certain amount of extra weapons/systems to a unit.
  • Vehicles can't move forever and require refueling.
  • Possibilty to create roads, bridges and woods.
  • Movies clips/FMVs explaining the story between missions.

Skirmish by Kindred

  • Players: 1-8 players
  • Type: Freeware

What is it?

Skirmish is a flat out RISC OS clone of the popular PC classic, Worms, looking more like the sequel, but with various cartoony characters. One of the coolest features is the 3D wire-frame weapon select menu. There are also added weather effects like rain, sand storms and possibly snow.

Best Features

  • Hot-seat and network play and good AI for those billy-no-friends.
  • Parallex scrolling with cool cartoon layouts and special effects.
  • Level editor, impressive system of firing and lots of cute snakes, eggs and aliens.

Fighting Falcon F16

  • Players: 1 player
  • Type: Freeware

What is it?

A conversion of Digital Intergration's realistic flight simulator of the versatile F16 fighter. There will be various missions including missile targets, bombings, enemy combat and high speed enemy interception. Last we heard, it was only running in 640x480 at 8fps on a Risc PC SA, so it looks like we'll have to wait for future hardware before we get a decent frame rate. Of course, the hardest thing about these types of games is landing....

Best Features

  • Detailed aircraft and pilot models.
  • Complete cockpit instruments to control those sidewinders, laser-guided missiles, explosive rockets ... a full arsenal of weapons, in fact.
  • Real landscape data from Isarel, Korea and Cyprus, with over 100 different missions.

Andy Spence
