Aaron Timbrell rounds up the software directory
This issue we are giving away a free copy of our RISCWorld Impression to HTML converter. This has has a number of updates since the last time it was featured and anyone using the older version is advised to upgrade to the new one.
The application is designed to convert Impression documents into HTML. It's not written to take a DTP like approach to the problem. It doesn't try to duplicate complex page layouts with lots of graphics. Instead it's designed to convert the most important part of any document, the text, from Impression Script format to a complete HTML format.
You might think that this is a fairly pointless task, after all you can save plain text from Impression and convert that to HTML fairly easily. However when converting the plain text you would lose all the styles, bold, italic etc. ImpHTML can convert all the styles in your document to appropriate HTML tags. It does this with a "Mappings List". This maps how each Impression style can be reproduced in HTML. As a default a couple of styles are set up, but you can easily add your own. This means you can export a complete properly formatted HTML document in seconds.
ImpHTML also has a couple of extra aces up it's sleeve. Firstly it can convert all those awkward characters to the correct HTML codes, so you don't have to worry about brackets, pound signs, greater than or less than signs or any other characters that might "break" your HTML. In addition ImpHTML can generate a full index of your file as it goes. So not only do you end up with a set of HTML documents, they are also linked together with full hyperlinked indexes.
You may have noticed the books we serialise in RISCWorld always have comprehensive indices that link through each chapter. They are all automatically generated with ImpHTML. Now you can do the same with your documents. Go on, give it a go...
The complete DiscWorld line up
As per usual we have our collections of the latest RISC OS applications, as well as support files for this issues articles:
Impression to HTML converter.
RISCWorld inlays.
All the latest PD, shareware and freeware releases from the PD column.
Support materials for Aaron's article on the RISC OS Scrap System.
This contains two sets of Toolbox Modules. The Castle archive contains the latest 26/32 bit neutral system components, required if you want to run a lot of new software releases on 26bit machines. The RISCOS Ltd archive contains later and improved versions of a number of modules and is suitable for all versions of RISC OS from 3.1 onwards. We have also included copies of SharedUnixLib and UnixHome as these are needed by some programs.
Hi-resolution versions of the RISCWorld Wakefield show photos.
Aaron Timbrell