Adventure recognizes several hundred words. Part of the fun is discovering what words the game recognizes and what happens when you enter different commands. Nevertheless, if you're a first time adventurer, you might find it helpful to have a list to refer to. Here are the verbs: Abracadabra Free Run Attack Fum Save Blast G (Get) Say Blowup Get Score Break Goto Sesame Brief Help Shake Calm Hit Shatter Capture Hocus Shazam Carry Hours Sing Catch Info Slay Chant Inform Smash Close Inven Steal Continue Inventory Stop Detonate Keep Strike Devour Kill Swim Dig Light Swing Disturb Lock T (Take) Drink Lost Take Drop Mist Tame Dump Mumble Throw Eat Off Toss Excavate On Tote Explore Open Travel Extinguish Pause Tree Fee Placate Trees Feed Pocus Turn Fie Pour Unlock Fight Proceed Utter Fill Q (Quit) Wake Find Quit Walk Foe Read Wave Follow Release Foo Rub This list is only for the 350-point original Adventure. The expanded games recognize even more words.