ThumbsPlus 2.0 Release Notes ---------------------------- The online help contains bountiful information on the new features in version 2.0. From the Contents page, select "New Features in 2.0." If you're new to ThumbsUp/ThumbsPlus be sure to browse through the "Introduction" and "Getting Started" sections of the help file. Notable Information ------------------- o The new name of ThumbsUp is "ThumbsPlus" o Internal support for WPG files has been delayed until version 2.1 because of delays in receiving WPG2 info from WordPerfect. Known Problems -------------- o Colors and curves in GEM metafiles are not rendered properly. o Rotation by 90 degree increments does not always produce the desired results on the edges. o ThumbsPlus is unable to locate the preview bitmap in some CDR files, or mistakes an embedded bitmap for the preview. As a work-around, you can set up CDR to be loaded via OLE and create thumbnails for the few files with this problem. o Occasionally, ThumbsPlus will detect a problem with the index (.TUX) file, but not be able to repair it properly. In this case, manually delete the .TUX file and start ThumbsPlus. Ordering -------- From the online help file, select "Ordering." There's an order form included that you can print out. The various payment options are also outlined -- including Check or MO, Credit Card, and CompuServe online registrations. Contacts -------- Cerious Software Compuserve: 71501,2470 5424 Chedworth Drive America Online: CeriousSW Charlotte, NC 28210 Internet: USA Voice: (704)529-0200 Australia, New Zealand & PNG: Patrick O'Sullivan Voice: 03 509 5250 P.O. Box 65 Fax: 03 576 0801 Armadale, Victoria 3143 Compuserve: 100240,273 Australia Japan: P & A Shareware Tel: 0425-46-9141 302 Bellwins, 1367-23 Fax: 0425-46-9142 Nakagami, Akishima NiftyServe: PAF02461 Tokyo, 196 Japan Germany: Der PD-Profi Tel. 0 84 32/1296 Schulstraße 13 Fax. 0 84 32/8674 D-86666 Burgheim